Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Academics look at adjustments The Cabinet was caught by the wrong person.

King Prajadhipok's Institute, "Satithon" stated that the new Cabinet has been wronged. But there may be ripples in Pheu Thai in the short term. Point out that Pheu Thai has always looked at foreign work. There are many people suitable to sit as ministers, including "Noppadon-Pae Thongthan" Mr. Satithorn Thananithichot, Director of the Office of Innovation for Democracy The King Prajadhipok's Institute said about the Cabinet reshuffle that it was the cheapest. There is a clear picture that more and more people working for the party are being adjusted to join the cabinet. and more than the people who will represent the various groups that were successful in the first round of elections. But there are still pictures of representatives of various groups, but we can see the characteristics of people who become ministers and can do more work. 'But when it seemed like it was perfect It appears that there was the case of Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn who resigned from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. So we had to organize it again for another round. He admits that there is a chance that there will be political cracks in the Pheu Thai Party. But in the style of the Pheu Thai Party, there may be people with different opinions and cracks. But there are people waiting to coordinate. Chances of being cracked Only in the short term,' Mr. Satithorn said. Mr. Satithorn said that for those who are disappointed and have dropped out of the ministerial position altogether. Notice that in the past the official ripple effect was not much. Because many people understand the situation and must accept that the Pheu Thai Party has grown because of the party's influence over the individual. And many people who are here today are partly because they have worked with the party since they were with the Thai Rak Thai Party. It means that you have to accept the situation if you are adjusted or placed in another role. or can do it fully Might come and complain about being disappointed. But it is not to the point that we will see drast ic changes to the point of shifting the poles. Move to another party You will not see such an event. 'Simply put, 7 months ago. The government can say that the budget is still not fully met. And the situation is still unclear whether the Pheu Thai Party, as the leader in forming the government, will be able to work well with the coalition parties or not. Because it must be accepted that this is the first experience of the Pheu Thai Party that has formed a government and itself may have little or only half the bargaining power. It may take some trial and error at first. But today the budget is fully usable, while the government's annual budget for 2025 can be fully spent. Governments can design more fully. It is time to adjust people who are suitable for the job and who the Party trusts. Or the Prime Minister trusts and think that they are people who work together to come together,' Mr. Satithorn said. When asked how he viewed Mr. Panpree's resignation immediately after being fined by the Deputy Prime Minist er, Mr. Satithorn said that it was a matter that the individual had to accept as well. But recently he came to express himself by resigning. In fact, it is Mr. Panpree's right that if he feels that he is not satisfied with his position, he can resign. This is not prohibited by the Constitution. However, it is believed that finding a new Minister of Foreign Affairs should not be difficult. Because in the past, the Pheu Thai Party, ever since the Thai Rak Thai era was the government, has always taken care of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. People Power Party era He takes care of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This means that this ministry and the Pheu Thai Party have quite a few personnel and working methods already prepared to support them. 'As for who is suitable? If you want it to be quick and can work immediately, there is Mr. Noppadonpattama. Former Foreign Minister Proper As for the news that it may be Ms. Paethongthan Shinawatra, leader of the Pheu Thai Party, it is possible. May be in the first list that it might be another possibility to sit as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and be considered a birth stage for student Pae Thongthan Because today he is fully equipped as the heir to a politician. and sits as party leader This is a suitable opportunity to gain experience as a minister, but is the first 7-8 months too fast? Might have to think again. which can go in and out of the Cabinet,' Mr. Satithorn said. Source: Thai News Agency