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“Pitha” is satisfied with the court’s clarification of the ITV shareholding petition.

Constitutional Court, "Pitha" is satisfied with the court's clarification of the ITV shareholding petition. Confirmed intention to renounce inheritance of shares Before joining the Future Forward Party Confident to return to duty MPs immediately if the charges are cleared. The Constitutional Court scheduled to hear the decision on 24 Jan. 2024.

Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat Advisor to the leader of the Forward Party Revealed after entering the investigation To the Constitutional Court Judiciary Appointment for interrogation of witnesses Request to the Election Commission Please consider the decision on Mr. Pitha's case. Limcharoenrat Member of the House of Representatives Being a shareholder in ITV Public Company Limited, amounting to 42,000 shares, which operates newspapers or any mass media. On the date of application for election of MPs by party list form Does it cause the respondent's membership of the Member of Parliament to terminate in accordance with Section 101 (6) of the Constitution in conjunction with Section 98 (3) or not? The Constitutional Court has ordered to accept this petition for consideration and decision. and ordered the respondent to stop performing duties as an MP from 19 July 2023 until the Constitutional Court issues a decision.

Reporters reported that The court spent more than 2 hours examining 3 witnesses, 2 of whom were witnesses on the side of the respondent, Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat. MP of the Progressive Party with Mr. Kim Siritaweechai, who acted as chairman of the ITV general meeting of shareholders on April 26, 2023, and who also signed the minutes of the meeting, while another witness was On the petitioner's side is Mr. Sawang Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission, who was summoned by the court to come for questioning.

The reporter reported on the work that The issue that the court judge will ask in the inquiry is ITV Company on the date when Mr. Pitha received the inheritance and held shares as the heir or executor of the estate. In conclusion, is it any mass media or not? And what is the status of holding shares? Is there information about holding shares as a legal heir or not? In receiving inheritance from father

Mr. Pitha gave an interview after the investigation that The atmosphere during the inquiry was as expected. Satisfied with the process and investigated according to the intended facts in all respects, feeling satisfied. As for the details in his explanation, he could not be interviewed. Because it would be a violation of the court. But as for the facts that the media had previously presented regarding the termination of ITV business or the status of the manager of one's own estate received an investigation from the court and the legal department of the complainant and the defendant are complete. But his details cannot be revealed.

For this inquiry, there are 3 witnesses: Mr. Pilgrimmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission or Secretary-General of the Election Commission, as the complainant's witness. In addition, Mr. Kim Siritaweechai, who acted as chairman of the general meeting of shareholders. ITV and myself after listening to the weight of witnesses and evidence from myself and the complainant. Can't tell details Because it will be suggestive and violate the court. But what can be interviewed? That is, satisfied and as expected in every way. This can only be said. As for the details, please wait for an official summary from the company. Office of the Constitutional Court After this, there will be no hearing with a decision scheduled or a reading of the decision.

When asked if he was confident before coming to give the investigation and after coming out, was he still confident as before? Mr. Pitha said he was still confident as before. Be confident that you have fully performed your duties as the defendant.

As for expectations of the Constitutional Court He didn't expect anything. But I am confident that fairness and justice will be served. In this case, if the verdict is in your favor I hope to return to my duties as a member of the House of Representatives immediately.

When asked whether the issues that the court had investigated were complete or not, Mr. Pitha said that it was a matter of details. But he was satisfied with the process of the Constitutional Court today.

When the media asked Mr. Pitha, he replied that before applying for election Did the MPs hold ITV shares? Mr. Pitha stated that it was held on behalf of the estate manager. But as for the details being in court, he doesn't want to violate the court. But he confirmed that it was on behalf of his younger brother. which he had renounced his intentions since before joining the Future Forward Party and shared inheritance He cannot answer more than this. But this point is one of the points that are discussed. If you answer, it will be a guide to society and a violation of the court.

When asked if ITV has stopped broadcasting and can it resume producing media again, Mr. Pitha stated that if it's according to the documents, then it must be looked at by Mr. Kim Siritaweechai, who acted as chairman of the general meeting of shareholders. ITV shares that had previously been discussed at the shareholder meeting Please ask Mr. Kim for this matter. It would be more appropriate. I personally cannot speak for you. But if you look at the documents that have come out, you will see that ITV has ceased operations since 2007. The other half of the resources have gone to Thai PBS. Now there is no license. Therefore, to return to the original business there must be a lawsuit involving the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister or the Office of the Prime Minister at the Supreme Administrative Court. Including frequencies that are no longer available. Business license When asked to the NBTC, there was none. As for the judgment of the estate manager, it must come from the civil court. The remaining amount is an allocation of assets. where data is transmitted digitally and can be seen When was that faction created? And the matter of stamp duty has already been fully explained.

It is reported that The Constitutional Court scheduled to hear its decision on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

Source: Thai News Agency