Thailand Recorder

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The Army reiterates that there is no problem. Myanmar only requests to collect additional information.

Chiang Rai, Military officials are still trying to coordinate with Myanmar authorities to request the release of 41 Thais, emphasizing that there are no problems. Myanmar is only requesting an investigation to gather more information. Rest assured that we will all come back together.

Reporters report on the progress of rescuing 41 Thai people who escaped from Lao Kai town. Myanmar Most recently today (17 Nov.) Col. Natee Thimsen, commander of the Chao Tak Army Special Forces Unit. As the chairman of the local border committee or TBC, he revealed that the Royal Thai Army and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fully coordinated To help all 41 Thai people who will return to Thailand. by the Special Forces Unit of Chao Tak The Pha Muang Army has coordinated a request to talk with the Myanmar authorities.

As for the reason that the Myanmar army The Thai people have not been deported yet. came to the army as originally scheduled yesterday (16 Nov.) Col. Natee said that yesterday they had been coordinating together throughout. Currently, everyone is in the area of Chiang Tung Province. The Myanmar army takes good care of them. Have a certain level of happiness Yesterday, the Myanmar military said it was still in the investigation process. Follow up on providing information What the Myanmar authorities want to know which has not yet been completed make the Myanmar army Unable to release Thai people

“Today the 3rd Army Area and the Pha Mueang Army He ordered me, as the person in charge of the area, to talk with Col. Tula So Win Soe, Strategic Commander. Army Strategic Education Department Headquarters Tachileik Subdistrict To inquire about the reason or any stuck issues. to let the Thai side help The Thai Army is willing to help fully and has prepared everything to welcome Thai people back to their country. I just want Thai people to return home safely so that the relationship between the two countries' militaries will be even stronger and more stable. After they go to coordinate, they will inform of the results of further developments. This was coordinated yesterday by telephone. It's not like today where he will meet in person. Believe that it will be a better relationship than talking on the phone. Confirm that there is only a little bit left in every process. It can be seen from the distance from Lao Kai town to Chiang Tung Province that it is already half way. There is only half way left,” Col. Natee said.

Col. Natee said that the chances of Thai people returning soon could not yet be determined. Let's talk about the details first. Ministry of Defense Ministry of Foreign Affairs Including various consulates trying to coordinate assistance. Confirm that we are concerned about all Thai people. While the Myanmar authorities have confirmed that if they are brought here Tachileik Headquarters Thai soldiers can go pick up Thai people. Definitely will not continue to be quarantined. The procedures remain the same. But the delay is due to the investigation process of the Myanmar military which has some information that the Myanmar military wants to know.

“As for the concerns of Myanmar soldiers Because Lao Kai city is next to the border with China. The Myanmar army therefore wondered where the Thais had left. Because the Lao Kai area is a special area where there are gray businesses. The Myanmar authorities therefore want to know the reason. Because the number of Thai people traveling to Lao Kai City is in the hundreds or thousands. that is not yet known but is clear What movement groups are involved? He therefore asked to ask in detail first,” Col. Natee said.

When asked if there was a second plan or a third plan to support it, Col. Natee said there was no because there were no problems from coordination. It's just an incomplete questioning process. Confirm that Myanmar will definitely send him to you. And all 41 people returned together. As for the case of Thai people in Myanmar, the live broadcast reflected the concerns and difficulties of 167 Thai people. Is it possible to evacuate these people from the area?

Col. Natee said he would like to coordinate information from the Myanmar army first. Because some areas are special areas In some areas, there are minorities or various ethnic groups taking care of the area. Relationship which is a delicate matter It will affect the relationship of the two countries. So I can't say anything. I would like to focus on 41 Thai people before there is only a little distance left before we can travel back. As for the remaining Thai people, we will speed up the process so that they can return as soon as possible.

Source: Thai News Agency