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10th anniversary of the coup, recommends adhering to the rule of law to lead the country to development

Bangkok,, 10th anniversary of the coup. NCPO expects it to be the last coup. If there is another coup, it will cause damage. both politically, economically, and socially violently, academics suggest Adhere to the rule of law to lead the country to development in the next 10-15 years. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anusorn Thamjai, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Pridi Banomyong Institute and Board Member of Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University. Expressed his opinion on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the NCPO coup on 22 May 2014 that he expected it to be the last coup. If another coup occurs in the future, it will cause severe political, economic, and social damage. Political developments occurred after the political crisis from the end of 2005 until the coup d'état on 19 September 2006. Therefore, there has been a power that does not accept the legitimacy of the government that won an overwhelming victory from the election. But the people want to create a stable democracy (Democrat ic Consolidation), not just a government from the election. We need a democratic constitution with the highest rules. open election system Neutral and fair Need a bureaucracy and political system with good governance. Efficiency, including orderliness and stability as well Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anusorn Thamjai, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Pridi Banomyong Institute, further said that the role of the latest move by the senators appointing a group of acting senators has moved to impeach the Prime Minister from the Pheu Thai Party. While there will be consideration of dissolving the Kao Klai Party in the near future. A coup by the judiciary or an independent organization or a coup by the military. All of which cause the development of democracy to falter. Create a risk Uncertainty in the country's political and economic systems If a coup, especially a military coup, happens again in the future. Inevitably, there will be very high risks and uncertainties. It may open up the possibility of political interve ntion by great powers. This region and Thailand are already areas of hegemony contestation among superpowers such as China, the United States, and the EU. Stabilizing democracy with the monarchy as head of state is very important to the future of the nation-state and reducing The risk of great power intervention If there is a coup d'état by an independent organization or the judiciary It may require the formation of a new coalition government or lead to changes outside of the democratic methods allowed in the constitution. Therefore, adhering to the rule of law will lead Thailand to become a developed country in the next 10-15 years. Representative democracy (Representative Democracy) requires a strong political party institutional system. People choose representatives through the political party system to take on the duties of managing the country through various public policies that political parties have promised to the society. Source: Thia News Agency