Thailand Recorder

Latest News From Thailand

Day: January 16, 2022

Retirement no mere snooze

Published by The Bangkok Post On New Year’s Day, International Living — a global travel magazine — released its annual compilation of the world’s best places to retire in 2022. The list, which ranks countries based on a variety of…

MP says casinos are safe bet

Published by The Bangkok Post MP says casinos are safe bet Thai Local Power Party leader urges law change to halt post-Covid slump Known to be one of the most vocal proponents of legalising casinos, Chutchawan Kong-u-dom, leader of Thai…


House panel to clear confusion over the legal status of cannabis in Thailand

The House Public Health Affairs committee has invited representatives of the Royal Thai Police, the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), the Ministry of Public Health and relevant agencies for a discussion this Thursday at parliament, to clear…


Over 70% voter turnout expected in Songkhla and Chumphon by-elections today

Election officials in Thailand’s southern provinces of Songkhla and Chumphon are predicting a turnout of over 70% percent as the electorate cast their by-election ballots.Payia Sirichote, director of the election office in Songkhla, said she thinks the…


Taxing cryptocurrency trading – an uncharted course

The digital assets industry is up in arms over the Revenue Department’s plan to levy tax on capital gains or benefits derived from cryptocurrencies and other digital asset transactions.With the two parties being at loggerheads, consultations have begun…

Internal Affairs

Public advised to be wary after Revenue Department’s Twitter account was hacked

The Thai Revenue Department has warned the public to be extremely wary of information appearing on its Twitter account after it was attacked by unknown hackers.According to the Anti-Fake News Centre of Thailand, the hackers deleted almost all previous …