Thailand Recorder

Latest News From Thailand

Day: September 11, 2024

Bump! Lobbying the Senate to withdraw their names from the government policy debate.

Revealed that there is a lobby for the Senate to withdraw their names from the debate on government policies, along with calling them into the grading room, urging them to do their homework and debate well, hoping to create a good image in the eyes o…

“Phradon” is confident that he is senior enough to serve as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“Phradon” is confident that as a 4-term MP, he has enough seniority to perform his duties as Deputy Speaker of the House smoothly. He insists on doing his best and asks to see the results. When his term ends, he will make a decision.

Mr. Phradon Pri…

Burma opens temporary shelters to help flood victims in Chiang Rai

“Warawut” orders the opening of the area of ??the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security to help flood victims in Chiang Rai, temporary shelter, call the hotline of the Center for the Prevention and Suppression of Disasters at 1300.

Mr. V…

“Santhiya” storms the Election Commission to demand progress on the complaint against 2 senators.

“Sonthiya” storms the EC to demand progress on the complaint against 2 senators, and threatens that if the senators make fun of fellow members and do not apologize by this Friday, they will file a complaint with the NACC to investigate ethics.

Mr. S…

“Wan Nor” believes the government policy debate stage will go smoothly.

Wan Nor’ immediately submitted the names of ‘Pichet-Pharadon’ to His Majesty after being elected as Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives. He believes that the stage for the government policy debate will be smooth and that he will divide hi…

“Dr. Warong” insists that the warning was given with good intentions and asks “Thammanat” to be patient.

Dr. Warong” asks “Thammanat” to calm down after threatening to take legal action against criticizing him for inappropriately going to the area with “Narumon” even though he has left the ministerial position. Insists that the warning was given with go…

“Phumtham” emphasizes that all agencies are rushing to the flooded areas to help.

“Phumtham” reveals that the Prime Minister will call a meeting to solve the flooding problem in Chiang Rai tomorrow afternoon (12 Sept.) immediately after the government policy statement, emphasizing that all agencies have urgently provided assistanc…

Military units rush to help flood victims in Chiang Rai Province

Military units rush to help people from flash floods in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai Province, and closely monitor the flood situation in the northern region.

Lt. Col. Richa Suksuwanon, deputy army spokesman, revealed that the continuous heavy rain since Sep…

“Phumtham” wants to see the Ministry of Defense help promote democracy and create unity.

“Phumtham” reiterates that he has no intention of expanding the power of the military, indicating that he wants to see the Ministry of Defense help promote democracy and create unity in society, insisting that there is no interference in the appointm…

“Phumtham” believes the opposition knows their duty on the government policy statement stage.

“Phumtham” sees that it is not just this government that is facing legal warfare, indicating that volunteers must come in to work and make improvements, believing that the opposition knows their duty in the government’s policy statement stage, asking…