Thailand Recorder

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57 Senators sign petition to censure government policies

Senators sign a motion to censure government policies, waiting for time allocation and dividing issues, Senate President refuses to answer questions about setting up a committee to lock seats for big houses General Kriangkrai Srirak, Deputy Speaker of the Senate, spoke about the readiness for the debate in the government's policy statement to the parliament between 12-13 September. He is confident that senators will study the government's policies that have been sent to them. At present, 57 people have expressed their intention to debate and they are discussing the allocation of time, looking at non-overlapping issues, so that everyone has the opportunity to debate government policies. He confirmed that the senators are ready. Mr. Boonsong Noisophon, the second vice president of the Senate, is confident that this group of senators, in addition to having knowledge and ability, also has expertise in each area. Therefore, he is confident that the debate will be beneficial to the government. When asked about the allocation of committee positions, which there are rumors that big houses have already reserved or locked up, how has it been prepared? Mr. Mongkol Surassajja, the chairman of the Senate, said that he did not know because the committee has already been set up. As for who will be the chairman or vice chairman, that is a matter for the members and the committee to choose among themselves. He had no opinion and could not answer anything because it was the duty of the committee. Once it was set up, they had to discuss it among themselves. When asked about the Senate President's vision of creating unity after one month, how much of a tangible result did what he intended to achieve? The Senate President stood up and answered that he confirmed it. When asked about the opinion of academics that most senators will vote in the same direction with a majority of 140 votes and there are minority senators who come out to object, how to give the minority group a chance, the chairman of the Senate said that everything starts with oneself. One must be friendly and respect everyone. When one can be indifferent, have opinions, each person thinks and speaks differently, votes each time differently. Sometimes agree a little, sometimes agree a lot. Everyone has reasons and logic, which cannot be certain. Telling that person to do this or that should be difficult in this Senate. If the heart does not agree, I think it will be difficult. Personally, agreeing or not, sitting with 3 vice presidents, the only thing that can be pressed is to abstain from voting. They can think but cannot speak. Anything that is within the framework does not violate others. One must be neutral. When new, sometimes do not know each other. When they get to know each other more, it starts to get better. -319. Source: Thai News Agency