Thailand Recorder

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Surveys of 15 antique shops have not found the missing cesium-137.

Officers are mobilized to inspect 15 large used metal scrap buying shops and iron smelters in Si Maha Phot District. The radioactive material "Casium-137 " has not yet been found from the power plant in Industrial Estate 304 while the Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Operations Center. Warning if suspicious material is found Don't touch or get close to it. Call 1296, available 24 hours a day.

Today (March 15), the Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Operations Center, Office of Atoms for Peace Situation report and investigation of radioactive material cases "Casium-137" was lost in the area of Si Maha Phot district. Prachin Buri Province that SorPorPor. was notified of the incident of radioactive material lost from a radiation establishment. Located in the area of Industrial Estate 304, Si Maha Phot District, on March 10, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. Then, on March 11, 2023, the PRC organized a staff to inspect thoroughly with radiation measuring equipment. in the accident area together with the establishment But the missing radioactive material caesium-137 was not found.

Later, on March 13, the PRC organized staff with radiation measuring equipment. to check together with the relevant officers once more by inspecting all areas within the establishment Investigation results have not found such radioactive materials within the establishment.

In addition, Sor Por. along with officials from the Si Maha Phot District Administration. Has inspected 15 large scrap metal and iron smelter businesses in Si Maha Phot district yesterday (March 14) using radiation measuring equipment to explore lost radioactive materials. and inquiries from such establishments The results of the examination did not find radioactive material cesium-137. in any area

If anyone sees this suspicious object or radioactive material that is lost Do not touch or be close to such radioactive materials. and notify local authorities or notify the Office of Atoms for Peace at the Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Operations Center Phone number 1296 24 hours a day

The radioactive material cesium-137 is cylindrical in shape. encased in iron Diameter 5 inches, length 8 inches, weight 25 kilograms, installed on the ash silo. Approximately 16-17 meters above the ground, inside the power plant of National Power Plant 5A Co., Ltd., disappeared on February 23, 2023. The company asked the driver who worked in the area. Known to hear a very loud sound, like metal falling to the ground. and not considered a dangerous object The device is used as a tool to measure the level of ash in the silo of the power plant.

Source: Thai News Agency