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Xi Jinping to visit Russia next week

BEIJING, March 17 – Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit Russia next week. It was his first visit to Moscow in nearly four years.

Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement released today that President Xi Xi will visit Russia from March 20 to 22 at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Xi last visited Russia in 2019, however, Putin also attended the opening ceremony of the Olympics. It was winter in Beijing last year and the two leaders met during a regional security conference in Uzbekistan last September.

meanwhile Kremlin House Statement of Russia published at the time almost simultaneously said Russian and Chinese Leaders to Discuss Strategic Cooperation besides that The two will discuss ways to expand the partnership between Russia and China in the international arena.

China's foreign ministry did not confirm that. Does Xi plan to hold talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky? After the news that The two will talk to each other. but yesterday Chinese foreign ministry Urges Ukraine and Russia to start negotiations as soon as possible.-Thai news agency

Source: Thai News Agency