Thailand Recorder

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“Srettha”, the source of Mo Hom fabric, Phrae Province, aims to expand and export

Srettha" swings with candidates for the Phrae MPs to walk in Thung Hong market. See the source of Mohom fabric. Aiming to expand - export ready to talk to farmers listen to agricultural problems

Srettha Thavisin, Prime Minister's candidate and the chairman of the advisor to the head of the Pheu Thai family along with Mr. Nuttawut Saikua, director of the Pheu Thai family, Mr. Chakkaphong Saengmanee, Pheu Thai Party registrar, Dr. Tosaporn Sereerak, candidate for MP Phrae No. 4, District 1, Dr. Niyom Wiwattanaditkul, candidate MP Phrae No. 7, District 2 and Mr. Worawat Auapinyakul, candidate of the Phrae MP, No. 5, District 3, walks in Thung Hong market. to greet the merchants and the people's brothers and sisters who came to buy Mo Hom cloth and tie dye which Thung Hong market It is considered to be the largest producer of Morhom fabric and tie-dye fabric in the North. It is always considered a strong soft power of Phrae Province, where Mr. Srettha and his team wore a Morhom shirt. to do activities in Phrae Province today as well

Mr. Worawat said that in the past, when the Thai Rak Thai Party government Thung Hong Market used to produce a lot of Mor Hom cloth. Both for sale and export, but the current production has decreased. due to the sluggish economy resulting in a decrease in domestic sales And the government hasn't pushed this unique product overseas as it should. The Pheu Thai Party is therefore the hope of the people of Phrae to make the economy better. and come in to further develop the product Including promoting the export of more provincial products

Mr. Srettha stated that if the Pheu Thai Party was in the government We will be a broker to bring Thailand's products and Soft Power to negotiate with foreigners. Prime Minister from Pheu Thai Party to be a salesman bringing the products of the people's brothers and sisters to sell abroad

For the atmosphere during which Mr. Srettha and the Pheu Thai Party MP candidates walk in the market Vendors in various stores has encouraged the Pheu Thai Party be a government and would like to leave a comment about stomach problems Because the group of traders is the person who has been seriously affected. In addition, there are people from other provinces who come to buy things to ask to take pictures with the Pheu Thai Party leaders, along with stating that "definitely land slides"

After that, Mr. Srettha went to the durian orchard area, Wang Chin District, Phrae Province, joined to hear the problems from various groups of farmers in Phrae Province, such as durian farmers. Banana Farmers Group Tangerine Farmers Group Peanut Growers Group Group of grapefruit growers rubber farmers and groups of farmers

by representatives of durian farmers has reflected the problem that Productivity is no problem. But there is a problem with the rights document. National park area Come to eat the area continuously and about water, we use natural water from the mountain. does not block water not enough water

While representatives of orange and pomelo farmers reflect the problem that In growing oranges, there are problems with 1. Fungi at the tree. and problems with insects 2. Matters of the market Oranges have a lot of produce, but they are cheap and nowadays the price of oranges has plummeted to only 3 baht per kilogram, even though they taste very good. 3. Processing development that is still lacking 4. Documents on land used for cultivation and 5. Transportation high cost productivity

representative of the farmers It reflects the problem that rice is cheap, while the cost, whether it's fertilizer or oil used for farming And used to transport high-priced products as well as representatives of the rubber planters. That reflects the problem of the price of rubber that is very cheap.

Mr. Srettha stated that the issue of fungi And diseases that occur with different types of fruit trees Pheu Thai Party in collaboration with Maejo University Find a way to fix this. by injecting into the root This will solve the problem permanently. market part Pheu Thai Party has a policy to expand the market. We are going to open new markets abroad. We will negotiate a quota for durian, orange, pomelo, etc., not only to Japan, China, EU, but to open markets in Africa. which have high demand for food as well. Make good communication, of course. While the problem of energy costs such as the cost of gasoline, etc., Thailand has a lot of renewable energy to use. We may have some types of energy tax exemption measures. to make costs cheaper And Pheu Thai Party, we have a policy to reduce expenses. increase the income for the brothers already for water problems Pheu Thai Party has a policy to manage water. so that the water does not flood during the period when there is a lot of water and not dry during the dry season And if the Pheu Thai Party is the government Of course, we must give people the right to land.

“Today, it cannot be denied that I came to vote Let's ask for a vote for the Pheu Thai Party. We are not pretending at all, which must be said. If you want the policy of the Pheu Thai Party to be true Ask for Mr. Worawat number 5, who is a local person. bound for a long time They have been together since the Thai Rak Thai Party. People's Power Party Until the Pheu Thai Party It has always been an important force of the Pheu Thai Party from the past to the present. We seriously intended to solve the problem for the farmers of Phrae, so we had to get Phrae MPs to raise the province and choose the Pheu Thai Party to make a landslide. to get Prime Minister from the Pheu Thai Party," Mr. Srettha said.

while the villagers blessed “May the forest gods bless you. And help the Pheu Thai Party to become a government too " – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency