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Sure before sharing: Warning, it’s 40-50 degrees hot, don’t drink – don’t take a cold shower right away, is that true?

Fact Check by Peerapol Anutarasoth

As the warning has been shared, be prepared to deal with temperatures of 40-50 degrees by avoiding ice cold water. Because it will cause the blood vessels to rupture.

Conclusion ?? Some of them are true and should not be shared.

Drinking large amounts of cold water can cause blood vessels to constrict. according to the adaptive mechanisms of the body

But in cases where blood vessels rupture, blindness or strokes are less likely to occur, for example, it usually occurs in people with vascular abnormalities.

As for drinking hot water as suggested by Share May not be the right approach in extreme heat.

Therefore, drink enough clean water. This may be water at room temperature or a temperature lower than the outside heat. to help reduce body temperature

drinking cold water It may be used to slowly drink or put it in the mouth before swallowing.

Sure Center before sharing, check with Col. Dr. Wirisorn Wongsrichanalai Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Conditions Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society explains that when the weather is hot. temperature rise Should drink enough clean water to meet the needs of the body.

However, drinking large amounts of very cold water all at once can also affect the body. Because it is an adaptation mechanism of the body to cope with rapid changes in temperature.

“But asked if it will reach the point where the blood vessels will constrict while having a stroke, or will it say that you put your feet in the water? then blind This kind of thing can happen. but rarely occurs But it often happens to patients who already have vascular abnormalities, such as people with plaque on the blood vessels. There are already some ischemic strokes. and when it shrinks The blood flow was less. or even the eyes as well The blood vessels that feed the eyeball are small. When they shrink, they are born. temporary blindness As the blood vessels relax, they disappear. The part about broken blood vessels It's the opposite mechanism. When it contracts, it relaxes. makes the already brittle blood vessels It also breaks easily, ”said Col. Wirisorn.

"Sure before sharing" Interview with Col. Wirisorn, M.D. Wong Srichanalai on April 14, 2023

This is for those who do not have any symptoms. If you want to drink cold water or ice That is very cold, very different from the temperature in the air, use the method to drink slowly or hold it in the mouth before swallowing. to make the brain feel and adapt first Including showering, pouring water, using pouring in the position farthest from the heart first in order for the body to adjust physiologically

For advice to drink hot water in hot weather. It may have the opposite effect. because it is an accumulation of extra heat in the body that is higher than normal

Col. Wirisorn, M.D. There are also practical advice during the hot weather. Abnormally high temperature If you have to work outdoors, you should limit the time and reduce from the normal time. Gradually be careful not to overheat the body and cause injury from heat, such as drinking enough water at a temperature below air. Dress appropriately for the weather. and has a cooling method and prepare to take care of the co-workers Know how to do first aid.

Conclusion: For shared messages About not drinking cold water in the heat There is some truth. Drinking large amounts of cold water affect the body or can actually negatively affect some patients But it doesn't happen to most people. If it is shared, it can cause panic. or adversely affect the opposite

As for the temperature in Thailand right now (April 14, 2023), the Meteorological Department forecasts the highest temperature around 37-43 degrees Celsius in some areas when calculated with humidity. heat index that the body will feel Most of them are still at a dangerous level, ie in the range of 41-53.9 degrees Celsius, which is the main danger prevention guideline. is a reduction in outdoor activities wear a sun hat Wear breathable clothing. And drink clean water often to prevent heat stroke.

April 14, 2023

Center for Sure before Sharing,

MCOT Thai News Agency,

Fact Check by Peerapol Anutarasoth

Examples of shared messages:

Be prepared to handle the temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Drink clean water, drink slowly, avoid cold water and ice.

Currently, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore are facing a heat wave.

What should be done What should not be done

1. The doctor said that if it's hot to 40 degrees, you shouldn't continue drinking cold water. because small blood vessels may split or burst One of the doctor's friends came from outside. hot to the point of sweating Quickly wash your feet with cold water. The result is that the eyes are unable to see and have to urgently call an ambulance.

2. If it's hot to 38 degrees, let the body get hot. do not drink cold water To drink hot water or warm water, drink slowly, do not rush to wash your legs, wash your hands or the sunburned part should wait 30 minutes before taking a shower.

3. A man is very hot, hurry up and take a shower. After taking a bath, stiff jaws It's a stroke. ** Caution ** In the summer or when you are exhausted. Avoid drinking cold water right away. because it will cause the blood vessels to shrink then a stroke

Learn more about HEAT STROKE from this clip.

For this shared story, recursively shared, there is an original similar to the previously shared message in 2019, which the center is sure before sharing. Has checked the facts with specialist doctors from the Institute of Neurology, Department of Medicine, confirming that such statements are not true and should not be shared.

Examples of shared messages (March 13, 2019)

A medical friend came to me to chat and said that the weather was very hot. Under the sun, it can reach 40 degrees Celsius.

He said: At 40 degrees, if you suddenly drink ice water, small blood vessels may burst. One of his friends had just entered the house to wash his feet with cold water. Then his eyes couldn't see clearly and he died. Only his ears could hear him. He was terrified!

Temperatures in some places reached 38 degrees Celsius or higher. But the temperature of body sensations should be higher. The danger is not caused by drinking cold water. The same danger may arise with

Even washing your hands/washing your face/washing your feet, you must not allow any hot body part to raise the temperature with cold water. You need about 30 minutes for your body to cool down and adjust to indoor temperature. Drink Luke – warm water, about 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.

There are very strong men The doctor examined him at the hospital three years ago.

He met the man again and was surprised to find that he had had a stroke. He was in bad shape. The man told the doctor, "Recently on a hot day coming home to cool off quickly from the heat, I immediately took a cold shower. I felt like I couldn't move my jaw properly. The ambulance that sent me to the hospital saved my life.”

Remember, especially on hot days, avoid cold water to cool it down, as it constricts blood vessels rapidly.

Adults with young children at home should inform their helpers about this.

Unusual weather

It might be nice to have a cold drink to cool you down, but it's very dangerous!

Avoid swallowing, drink slowly.

Please send this message to your family and friends.

It might save lives!

Source: Thai News Agency