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Warning of “HAPPY WATER” mixed drugs deadly power

Bangkok, May 11 – Doctors warn of "HAPPY WATER" ingredients from many drugs. Acts on the mind and nerves Dangerous to the point of death. entertainment worker Be careful not to accept drinks from strangers.

Dr. Manat Phothaporn, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, said that HAPPY WATER is a drug that a group of drug dealers invented and mixed themselves. Many types of drugs are mixed together, such as ketamine, ice, ecstasy, methamphetamine, diazepam, caffeine, and tarmadon, or psychotropic drugs. together And mixed in various drinks when drinking, it acts on the mind and nerves. Both stimulating, hallucinogenic, sedative and depressant. Causing you to be psychedelic, fun, alert, bustling, therefore becoming popular among nightlife. or a party group in a private area Both Thais and foreigners quickly and tends to spread more widely which is a matter of great concern because of the combined use of many drugs or consumed in large quantities Together with drinking alcohol will enhance the effect. cause harm to the body It can cause heart failure and even death.

Dr. Sarayut Boonchaipanichwatana Director of the Boromarajonani National Institute for Drug Addicts Treatment and Rehabilitation (NSB) added that Nowadays, drug traffickers often prefer to combine many types of drugs together. Claiming properties to cause intoxication And it's more fun than taking a single drug. Packed in a newly produced envelope. to imitate various beverage packets, making it difficult to inspect and smuggled through social media channels including entertainment Therefore, I would like to warn the public night traveler People who work in entertainment Be wary of accepting drinks from strangers. And keep in mind that the use of drugs of any kind is dangerous and affects the user's body. Is the cause of violence and various crimes, severe to the point of death.

Source: Thai News Agency