Thailand Recorder

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The leaders forming a government must oversee the Grade A ministries.

Bangkok, May 19-Secretary Goo Klai, stating that the media presents exaggerated news. After the trend has advanced - Pheu Thai has divided the ministries But lean on the A grade ministry that is the heart. The leading party must see for themselves. While the chairman of the council It is important to the process of choosing the Prime Minister.

Mr. Chaitawat Tulathon, secretary of the Kao Klai Party, said he was surprised by the media coverage of the grade A ministry between the Pheu Thai Party and the Kao Klai Party. which he was assigned to discuss these issues as well It will bring policies and details to discuss whether the work is related to the ministry. Which department or agency and waiting for the Pheu Thai Party to have any agenda because it has not yet been proposed But as a representative of the Kao Klai Party, he had proposed to the Pheu Thai Party about what agenda was important for the Kao Klai Party, so the media presentation of the news was too far.

For the ministry that is thought to be in the hands of the Progressive Party. The secretary general of the Kao Klai Party said that the party's policies cover many ministries. and trying to prioritize which ministries do not overlap If not overlapping with other political parties will be easy. But if it overlaps, it must be considered.

When asked to reiterate that the Ministry of Finance The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense must be in the management of the party moving forward or not. Chaitawat said he still did not want to conclude that Mr. Phitha Lim Chareonrat far-reaching party leader Will sit in the Prime Minister's seat with the Minister of Defense Although reforming the army is a key policy of the party,

“While the Ministry of Finance is certainly a ministry that is the heart of economic administration, the party that leads the government must sit in this ministry. As for the Ministry of Interior, there are many important agendas such as decentralization. or land reform The Ministry of Interior will play an important role in pushing forward the agenda of the Progressive Party, ”said the secretary-general of the Progressive Party.

As for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, it will belong to the Kao Klai Party or Pheu Thai, Mr. Chaitawat said that we would have to talk. because it is another very important position in controlling the direction of the parliament Including the first phase is to choose the Prime Minister. the chairman of the council will play a very important role in the process of electing the Prime Minister. There has not yet been talks in the party about who will hold what positions. or how to divide the work because there is still time It is believed that within 30-45 days the government can be established.

It was reported that Mr. Picharn Chaophatanawong, Deputy Leader of the Kao Klai Party is coordinating one small party to join the government for more with Mr. Krititouch Sangthayothin, the new party's MP who accepts the proposal to join the government to consider And will give an answer by today (May 19), which is the latest, the far-reaching party and the 8 coalition parties have a total of 313 votes, and there are still 63 votes missing to vote for Mr. Phitha. Lim Chareonrat Leader of the Kao Klai Party as Prime Minister.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency