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Detained to make a plan, a 58-year-old man who was jealous of his ex-wife shot his neighbor to death.

Nakhon Phanom, June 11 – Police detained a 58-year-old man who shot dead a neighbor who was a widower. Expected to be jealous of his ex-wife that he had been following for many years but was unsuccessful

Police at Na Thom Police Station arrested Mr. Lamphan, 58, a no-clean man, Nong Son Sub-district, Na Thom District, Nakhon Phanom Province after his family, ex-wife, and daughter reported him as suspects in the shooting of Mr. Withee, 51. Year A neighbor died in front of the house. On the evening of June 8th, then fled. until the police went to the area to gather evidence Investigate until you know the suspect. therefore pressured until the perpetrators surrendered Officers then detained along with the seizure of a Thai-invented long cap firearm used in the crime Which was abandoned in the forest behind the house to prosecute Ready to report a charge of intentional murder

Initially, the officials believed Caused by the jealousy of the ex-wife because the deceased was a widower and are next door neighbors. Causing the perpetrator to think that the deceased is in a relationship with his ex-wife Which referred to always trying to make it back But the ex-wife refused to reconcile. Until there was a conflict to the point of threatening death and with the village headman as a witness to negotiate mediation Agreed already 2-3 months ago, before this incident occurred.

After knowing the allegations The police detained Mr. Lampen. The accused pointed out the scene of the incident. at the pavilion in front of the deceased's house to make a plan for making a confession The accused confessed that I had a personal dissatisfaction before. So there was a short-lived mood. Decided to use a firearm to shoot the dead person's head. While sleeping at the pavilion in front of the house but did not want to discuss the details of the cause of the conflict because it has passed After fleeing and hiding in a rubber plantation at the end of the village for 3 days, he became remorseful and worried about his daughter and ex-wife, so he surrendered himself. and apologized to the family of the deceased Ask for forgiveness for the actions that have occurred.

ex-wife side with the accused's daughter Said that he was very sorry about the incident. did not think that the accused would cause such an incident but still glad to think Repent and dare to come out and surrender Better than fleeing As for the problem, I believe that it comes from the knot of jealousy. because he was suspicious of his ex-wife Even though they broke up for 4-5 years, they always tried to ask for reconciliation, but they were unsuccessful. Probably afraid to be in a relationship because the deceased was a widower despite the fact that he was never intimate Talk to each other in a romantic way. The accused thinks for himself therefore decided to cause the incident with a short temper In addition, he also had a history of drug abuse. May cause hallucinations Act without thinking My condolences to the bereaved family. From now on, Khan five and flowers to ask for forgiveness and will take care and help the deceased mother as much as possible because he was already old and still have to lose a son As for the accused, they have to pay for their legal liability.

While Ms Thongdee Taning, 78, the deceased mother said she was very saddened to have lost her son. but will forgive Because it was assumed that the two of them had karma against each other, so this happened. As for the offenders, go to pay for their karma in prison. Before the death of the son A fortune teller always told me that my life would be short. Because it's a cut handwriting which did not solve the trick because he didn't think it would actually happen From now on, after the autopsy is complete. to accept the body of the son to be buried according to the belief Did not hold a funeral ceremony like a normal person due to unnatural death Or as the villagers call it dead. not sick Therefore, it must be buried according to belief.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency