Thailand Recorder

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Petition for damages

Administrative Court, June 5 – Victims of the APEC 2022 protest dispersal incident filed a lawsuit against the Royal Thai Police and the Commissioner of Police to the Administrative Court, claiming more than 12 million baht in damages.

Mr. Phay Boonsopon and protesters from the protesters stop APEC 2022, a total of 19 people, along with a lawyer, came to file a lawsuit against the Royal Thai Police (RTP), the commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Police. Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Commander of Metropolitan Police 1 Commander of Metropolitan Police 6 Commander of Guard and Crowd Control and Superintendent of Samran Rat Police Station to the Central Administrative Court They were charged with violating the freedom of assembly and using violence against protesters. In the case of police officers blocking, obstructing, and using force to disperse the APEC 2022 people's rally at the Khon Mueang Square and Dinso Road, Bangkok on November 18, 2022, it does not meet the conditions specified by the law. and clearly in accordance with the principles and guidelines for the implementation of international principles of the United Nations Including plans and guidelines of the Royal Thai Police. As a result, they and the demonstrators were violated against their freedom of peaceful assembly without weapons. and harmed physical and mental damage

and asked the court to issue a judgment ordering the Royal Thai Police to pay damages for the freedom of assembly. bodily damage medical expenses psychological damage Damage to property, loss of income, damage from damage to reputation and human dignity to all 19 plaintiffs, totaling 12,499, 891 baht and the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police and the relevant police chiefs shall perform their duties to supervise the act of preventing the obstruction and use of force in the performance of duty to supervise public assembly that is excessively severe. disproportionate and unreasonable to all groups of protesters and supervise the performance of duties strictly and cautiously in accordance with international principles on the use of force and crowd control devices with due regard to ensuring and protecting the freedom of peaceful and unarmed assembly of the people. Including the disclosure of reports on the duty of supervising public assembly. Details of the use of force, list of police involved and a list of police officers who use violence to cause damage to demonstrators allow the public or concerned people to inspect as well in order to compensate for damages and protect the constitutional rights and liberties of the protesters

Source: Thai News Agency