Thailand Recorder

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“Wan Nor” emphasizes that the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives must be neutral.

Speaker of the House of Representatives. Refuses criticism of moving too far to drive "Padipat" to retain his position. Waiting to ask the Election Commission before rushing to take action on the opposition leader. Rest assured that there will be no problem. "The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives" is in opposition, especially regarding the recruitment of 112 people, emphasizing that he must be neutral.

Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives Referring to the case where the Progressive Party resolved to expel Mr. Padipat Santipada, Vice President of the House of Representatives, from the party. In order for the party leader to be the leader of the trade department in the House of Representatives that the Forward Party has not yet been notified. As for the process, you must inquire with the Election Commission (EC) regarding the appointment of a progressive party leader, and then the House will take action as quickly as possible. so that all parties can work

“It is not possible to criticize cases where it is seen that the Progressive Party uses resolutions to expel people from the party without sufficient reason. Because it is a matter of the progressive party As for the proposal, it will be submitted to the Constitutional Court to interpret whether the expulsion is legal or not. The House of Representatives must take action on its own. Still can't speak. Because it hasn't happened yet,” said the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

As for the case where there is an opposition person who is the vice president of the House of Representatives. There won't be a problem, right? Especially with the inclusion of Section 112 of the law, Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor said there was no problem. Because the president and vice president You must be neutral. Everyone must perform their responsibilities as assigned by the president and in accordance with the regulations.

President of the House of Representatives Mentioning the status of Mr. Padipat If expelled from the party, Mr. Padipat is still an MP. and must find a party within the time specified by law and can still perform the duties of Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives as required by law. There isn't any problem. As for whether or not you will leave anything to Mr. Padipat? Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor said that there was nothing. Mr. Padipat was still able to work with him well. Because both the president and vice president of the House of Representatives must be neutral. There is no need to be a government or opposition party.

Source: Thai News Agency