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“Somsak” ordered the meeting to integrate the drug budget and adjust indicators for suppression.

Bangkok, Oct. 13 - "Deputy Prime Minister Somsak" ordered the meeting to integrate the budget to solve drugs. Adjust indicators for suppression Add the matter of seizing assets. Point out that there are clear numbers of work. Hope all agencies integrate to fight drugs in every dimension - police Value-based calculations must be expanded to ensure that the drug trade money cycle can be broken.

Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister, revealed that he chaired the meeting of the integrated budget preparation committee. Fiscal year 2024, Faculty 2.2, integrated plan for prevention, suppression and treatment of drug addicts. The participation of relevant agencies such as the Narcotics Control Board, Ministry of Public Health, Police, Budget Bureau. He emphasized at the meeting that budgeting for solving drug problems must have clear indicators that can be used as a measure of success. Because it will enable all sectors to perform their duties according to their goals. Because there are clearly defined budget indicators.

Mr. Somsak further said that indicators for drug suppression From the past, how many cases were police officers able to arrest as a measure? But at present the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Settha Thavisin has emphasized the matter of seizing assets. which is clearly stated in the government's policy guidelines He therefore gave guidelines to the meeting to change the indicators. By adding the matter of seizing assets as well. Because the number of seizures of assets of drug traffickers' networks will be a clear indicator of integrating the drug problem.

“In the past, the results of seizing assets of drug dealer networks It has never been taken as an indicator. But he sees that the seizure of assets has clear numbers of results. Can be used as a performance indicator. Therefore, I would like there to be an increase in this matter. Because they believe that seizing assets will help break the cycle of drug trafficking. Since he pushed this issue By amending the law increase confiscation This makes it possible to seize more assets. From the beginning it was not more than 900 million baht per year, but in the last year before he resigned from the Minister of Justice, more than 30,000 million baht had already been seized. Therefore, if we take the matter of asset seizures as an indicator, it will help in working on the matter. This is even faster. And it will cause the drug traffickers to have no money to circulate to commit crimes again. In this matter, the Budget Office agreed to include the matter of asset seizure in the indicators. This causes all relevant agencies to come together and move forward with seizing assets more fully, such as the police. After an arrest is made, results must be expanded. Including calculation based on value or Value-based, where the value of drug trade must be taken into account. to seize assets retrospectively It is considered to be a good outcome for the people. that the government is rushing to solve the problem of drug addiction in every dimension For the safety of our children and grandchildren, said the Deputy Prime Minister

Source: Thai News Agency