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Livestock seized a lot of “wild pigs” larger than 120 tons hidden in a cold room in Samut Sakhon Province.

Bangkok, Director General of the Department of Livestock Development Revealing the Samut Sakhon Provincial Livestock Office Joining forces with the Fisheries Office and ISOC, Samut Sakhon Province Raiding and inspecting the cold room They found 126 tons of pork and pork parts originating from Brazil and almost half a ton of chicken wings. But the operator cannot present the moving documents. Suspected of smuggling Prepare to prosecute accordingly Animal Epidemics Act

Dr. Somchuan Veterinarian Rattanamangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development revealed that Received a report from Veterinarian Saroj Chanlad, Samut Sakhon Province Livestock Officer, that On the evening of November 1, 2023, Samut Sakhon Provincial Livestock Office together with Phetchaburi Animal Quarantine Station Samut Sakhon Provincial Fisheries Office and officials ISOC, Samut Sakhon Province Inspecting a cold storage room in Samut Sakhon Province found that There is a total of 127,080 kilograms of suspected smuggled livestock products, consisting of:

Pig carcasses include 126,600 kilograms of meat, skin, entrails, and legs originating from Brazil.

Poultry carcasses (chicken wings) whose origin is being verified, 480 kilograms

The official asked the business owner to present the import permit and movement permit documents. But the operator cannot display it. Therefore, the said animal carcasses were seized for examination. According to the Animal Epidemics Act B.E. 2015, businesses must present documentary evidence to officials within 15 days from the date of record of seizing the carcasses. If unable to present documentary evidence to the official The official will report the case to the investigating officer.

For Samut Sakhon Province, it is an epidemic surveillance area. Types of African Swine Fever and types of bird flu Such action is therefore an offense according to the Act. Animal Epidemics 2015, Section 22 When a temporary epidemic zone has been announced or an epidemic zone or epidemic surveillance zone has been announced. No person is allowed to move animals or animal carcasses as specified in the said announcement into, out of, through or within that area. unless a written permission is received from the veterinarian who is responsible for that area every time there is movement. Violators are punishable by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, a fine not exceeding 40,000 baht, or both. Section 31: Anyone who imports, exports, or brings through the Kingdom animals or animal carcasses. without permission from the Director-General or a person assigned by the Director-General There is a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, a fine not exceeding 200,000 baht, or both. And Section 34: Anyone who brings the following animals or carcasses to another province must mark the animal's identification mark. and must obtain a license from the local veterinarian every time There is a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year, a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, or both.

Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development said Inspecting cold storage rooms and livestock product sales locations throughout the country is a policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, which has set measures to declare war on illegal agricultural products. It aims to suppress illegal imports of agricultural products, including plants, fisheries, and livestock. The Livestock Department has continuously and seriously implemented this.

The Department of Livestock Development recommends that consumers choose to purchase meat from reliable places or sources. and be assured that no illegal meat will be sold As for the Department of Livestock Development There is an alternative project for consumers, namely the "OK Livestock Project" in which the Department of Livestock Development certifies that the meat sold is safe and meets standards. The source can be verified to be from a standardized farm. and comes from a hygienic butchery By paying attention to the "Livestock OK" symbol, which is a confirmation and reassurance to consumers that Get to consume Thai meat that is produced to meet standards. and is definitely food safe

If citizens want more information or see livestock wrongdoing, please contact officials to obtain information. Or report clues about wrongdoing so that legal action can be taken through the call center 063-225-6888 or the DLD 4.0 application that can be downloaded and installed on every phone system.

Source: Thai News Agency