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Internal Affairs

Amending the criminal law to add definitions of “sexual harassment” – “sexual assault”

Parliament, Bhumjaithai MP proposes to the House of Representatives to amend the criminal law, adding a definition of "sexual harassment" without having to wait for the victim to be harmed. Ready to add definitions and punishments for "sexual assault" to cover all genders. Not only women

Miss Mallika Jiraphanwanit MPLopburi, under the Bhumjaithai Party, led party members to hold a press conference to present the draft amendment bill. criminal code In the matter of 'Sexual harassment' which is a law that was pending during the last session. Proposed by Miss Patcharin Samsiripong, former MP of Bangkok.

Ms. Patcharin stated that many people may be aware of the law on egg injections. or laws to prevent repeat offenses which the previous session had passed the House of Representatives and has been enforced during that time He has proposed amending the criminal code. There shall be a provision to add the word "Sexual harassment," which the Committee to Solve the Problem of Rape and Sexual Assault has studied. Today, we would like to thank Bhumjaithai Party members. which agreed to push the issue of safety Not only for women But it is the safety of society. We will push forward in this matter.

In essence, there are 3 issues: 1. Correcting the definition of the word sexual assault, which in the past covered only females. But we see that society has changed. Currently, youth who is a man They can be sexually abused, raped, or sexually assaulted. Therefore, we have proposed amending the definition. sexual assault To cover more all gender groups.

2. The term sexual harassment has not been defined in the past. If the victim is followed feeling sexually unsafe Sometimes it doesn't have to be to the point of touching the body. The victim must wait until he is the victim. Sexually abused, murdered, raped, even if it can be prosecuted Therefore, the term sexual harassment is proposed to be defined as a criminal law subject to criminal penalties. In the word sexual harassment Considered a study and comparison with the provisions of the Civil Service Commission. , Labor Protection Act Measures of the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Institutions To be more consistent with Thai society

'We don't have to wait for something to happen. So it can be done wrongly. Sometimes it's wrong to do something that doesn't touch your body. It may be considered a nuisance. which is a misdemeanor Able to compromise,' Ms. Patcharin said.

Ms. Patcharin said 3. Punishment for sexual harassment It was originally a misdemeanor. and can compromise If we define the word sexual harassment and specifying penalties in the Criminal Code as criminal penalties It will be able to help close more legal gaps. Create a safer society And it will be another mechanism that helps keep society safe.

Source: Thai News Agency