Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Somsak” admits to abandoning the chair List of MPs The minister’s work was overloaded.

Bangkok, 'Somsak' admits to giving up his chair. List of MPs along with "Suriya" due to overload of minister's work Open the way for others to act as MPs instead. They said they had talked before making a decision. Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister Pheu Thai Party list MP gives an interview about the news of submitting a resignation letter from Pheu Thai Party's own list of MPs and Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit Minister of Transport said that it's true. The reason is because at the moment there are a lot of jobs in the ministerial position. We distribute the duties to the people who will come up and do the duties. List of MPs and can be a representative Now he has a lot of work. and have talked with 2-3 ministers who are in the same group Confirmed that Mr. Suriya also resigned from his position. List of MPs from the Pheu Thai Party as well, but now he is traveling abroad. When you come back after January 10th you will probably know. For the steps in resigning He will make an official resignatio n letter tomorrow (January 8) so that the person who will replace him can prepare for the next document process. Source: Thai News Agency