Thailand Recorder

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“The PDRC” gathered at the House on the first night to demand that “Thaksin” be sent to prison.

"The PDRC" gathered at the Government House on the first night, demanding that "Thaksin" be sent to prison, preparing to hunt for 20,000 names to be examined for work at related agencies. Mr. Phichit Chaiyamongkol, leader of the People's Reform Students Network of Thailand (CDC), and Dr. Tul Sittisomwong, leader of the colorful shirt group. Set up a press conference before setting up a rally at Government House on the first night. to demand that Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra be sent back to prison Mr. Phichit revealed that our demands are considered the voices of the people. to be sent to Government House because today Mr. Thaksin has been recovering outside of prison for 141 days and the Department of Corrections has still allowed him to continue his recovery without clarity. This makes society question what is wrong with Thaksin's illness. which has not yet been answered We do not agree with the Department of Corrections allowing Mr. Thaksin to continue his treatment outside of prison. Throughout the three-day rally, a table will be set up to collect 20,000 names and submit to the Speaker of the National Assembly. To forward the matter to the Supreme Court for further investigation. On Tuesday, we will follow up on the progress of the case submitted to the NACC to investigate the Minister of Justice. Director General of the Department of Corrections Chief Medical Officer of Police Hospital Chief Medical Officer of the Royal Hospital Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice Performing duties illegally in violation of Section 157 of the Criminal Code. Dr. Libra Note the process of helping Thaksin avoid prison by doctors. They saw that the process of creating stories made them seriously ill. However, treatment information is considered personal information that cannot be disclosed. But legal information can be revealed, such as whether he is actually being treated at the police hospital or not. Personally, I have never heard that Mr. Thaksin Suffering from leaky heart valve disease Today, the Police Commission traveled to the police hospital to request a visit to Mr. Thaksin which even though they could not reach the treatment room But he met with officials from the Department of Corrections. and Special Branch Police which still cannot be confirmed that Mr. Thaksin Is it true that he is staying on the 14th floor for treatment? As for saying that most of the CCTV cameras are broken, it is almost impossible. 317 Source: Thai News Agency