Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

The Constitutional Court strictly controls the surrounding area.

Constitutional Court, Court atmosphere Constitution after announcing control of areas today that will determine membership of the House of Representatives and ministerial status. "Saksayam" is still in order. The media is prohibited from reporting during the trial. But will set up a TV screen to broadcast live. Reporters report on the atmosphere at the Constitutional Court. Today (January 17), the judges of the Constitutional Court will sit on the bench and decide on the case where the Speaker of the House of Representatives sent a request to the Constitutional Court to decide according to the Constitution, paragraph 170, paragraph three, together with Section 82, regarding the ministerial status of Mr. Saksayam Chidchob, Minister. Ministry of Transport Has it ended only according to Section 170 of the Constitution, paragraph one (5), together with Section 187 or not? The court has the highest control over the inside of the building. The media is not allowed to record images in any case. But he informed the media that the images could only be recorded in front of the Constitutional Court. When the trial begins at 2:00 p.m., it will be broadcast via the Constitutional Court's YouTube channel. Reporters reported that The atmosphere around the Constitutional Court office is still peaceful. No crowd gathered. There were only police officers who normally maintained order. By using steel panels to block the entire length of the front of the office. Officials or persons entering and exiting the Ratchaburi Rekrit Building, which is the location of the Constitutional Court office. Must wear identification card. or exchange cards according to announcements of controlled areas As the Constitutional Court has previously issued While making an appointment to read the decision today The Court has facilitated this by opening a channel for hearing the decision through the YouTube channel of the Constitutional Court Office. And a TV screen with speakers was installed in front of the Ratchaburi Direkrit Building, near the flagpo le, for people who came to listen. For such a case Due to the period of the government of Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, opposition MPs raised the issue in a no-confidence motion. and Mr. Saksayam was discussed and attacked for using a nominee to hold shares in Buri Charoen Construction Limited Partnership. To benefit yourself Then MPs from the opposition party at that time sent the matter through the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Please send it to the Constitutional Court to request an analysis of ministerial status and membership of the MP. of Mr. Saksayam is considered to have ended. Following the allegations of holding shares while serving as a minister? Diagnostic guidelines section If the Constitutional Court finds that Mr. Saksayam is guilty as charged There will be no positions in the current Cabinet. The 2017 Constitution stipulates that a minister must not be removed from office because of a prohibited act. It has been less than two years since the appointment date. which means If Mr. Saksayam is guilty as charged Will have to wait another 2 years from the date of the Constitutional Court's decision. before having the right to become a minister again. Source: Thai News Agency