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DSI sends case report of online gambling website UFA to prosecutors

Bangkok, DSI sends the case against online gambling website UFA to the prosecutor for consideration. Today (January 18, 2024) Pol. Lt. Col. Yutthana Praedam, Acting Director-General of the Department of Special Investigation, assigned Ms. Marsamon Phrompraphan, Director of Narcotics Cases Division 1, and a team of special case investigators. Narcotics Crime Division Department of Special Investigation Bring the special case file number 8/2023 along with 30 suspects to the prosecutor. Special Case Office In this regard, in Special Case No. 8/2023, it is an allegation of proceeding with the expansion of the account of a horse named "Chaba" which the Narcotics Division has been assigned to investigate in order to find the underlying offense. The said bank account was used for any illegal activities between 2017 and 2020. It was found that it was a bank account used to receive a percentage of the UFA gambling website owner who was required to receive network fees from the gambling website agent group. Taking U FA's network to market under other names. In this case, the Department of Special Investigation conducted an investigation and found that The owner of the highest UFA network in Thailand is Mr. Phuchit (surname reserved) or nicknamed Didi, who fled to live abroad many years ago. And has assigned Mr. Pakpoom or Boss to take care of business regarding receiving dividends from various agents on behalf of his brother in the style of a family business. By Mr. Pakpoom He was arrested in early November 2023 and is currently being held in a correctional institution. From the investigation of Special Case No. 8/2023, it was found that in the years 2020-2023, this network had a turnover of more than 10,000 million baht. There were 50 suspects, 25 of whom were admitted to charges, and 25 arrest warrants issued (5 arrested according to the arrest warrant). Among the seized items in the case were the seizure of bank accounts in the amount of 27,962,977.73 baht, the seizure of vehicle registrations of 19 vehicles in the a mount of 38,815,000 baht, the seizure of 23 items of land and buildings in the amount of 2,602,694,000 baht, total of all seized assets. 2,669,471,977.73 baht. The special case investigation team has given an opinion on the case. It is considered appropriate to order charges against all 50 suspects for the crime of conspiring to organize gambling via electronic media without permission. and work together to launder money with 3 groups of people: 1. a group of business owners and close people 2. a group of employees and horse accountants 3. a group of agents who were investigated in this case. The investigation in this case has been completed. From now on, the results will be extended as a continuing case to all remaining groups of people at the agent level. and send the matter to the AMLO office to take civil action against the property of the persons involved in accordance with the law. Source: Thai News Agency