Thailand Recorder

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Alumni and new students gradually join in the “Blue Day” activity.

Police tighten security for the 90th anniversary of Uthen Thawai's founding, or Blue Day, while alumni and present attend the event. Atmosphere at Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok Uthen Thawai Campus, Pathumwan District, Bangkok today, which is the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Uthen Thawai or Blue Day, with both alumni and current students attending the event. It was found that most of them wore white t-shirts. Write the word "Uthenthawai" Some had the words "Blue Zone" printed on them, and others wore blue shirts with special letters printed on them for the 90th anniversary, showing unity. According to the schedule, there will be activities since the morning. Both making merit and giving alms to monks and the ceremony of worshiping Lord Vishnu The entire fence of the institute is decorated with marigold garlands. And there is a large sign with the words "February 1, 2024, the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Uthen Thawai Construction School, the land where the sun doesn't set." amid strict security Two companies of the Metropolitan Police came to take care of the situation, without allowing the media to enter inside. Limited to alumni and current students attending today's event only. You must show your card indicating that you are a student here before entering the event. All doors are closed and will only be opened for those with permission to enter and use the only entrance-exit door. And everyone must pass a weapon scanner. There was a police search. which was found to be confiscated A number of cutters and folding knives By specifying the reason that It's not going to be used as a weapon in any way. But that comes from working as a mechanic. While the atmosphere until now is still peaceful and orderly. Police officers set up security tents. both in front of the institute and various risk areas surrounding it 24 hours a day for the past several days. The news team asked one of the alumni who attended the event. But he was not comfortable giving an interview, saying he w as not worried about today's violence. Because according to the principles of practice, both institutions tend to respect each other. Do not cause an incident on the anniversary of both sides. As for the opinion on the solution to the problem, which allows Uthenwai to refrain from accepting new students in the academic year 2024, it is seen that it is not a direct solution to the problem. and the university itself will be affected Because I know that There have been applications for new students in 2024. And personally, I think that the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation) came to use this method. It was using the previous situation as a reason to pressure Uthen Thawai to move out faster. In this regard, activities on the anniversary of Uthen Thawai's founding Held annually There will be merit-making and various festive activities, as well as anniversaries of general institutions and agencies that are considered auspic ious days. In the evening there will be a concert by many alumni artists. Source: Thai News Agency