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This February 15th, digital wallet is clear!

Government House, "Bhoomtham" clearly stated digital wallets after the Feb. 15 meeting, emphasizing that it was done to stimulate the economy. I implore open-minded critics to look carefully. You will understand the real life of the people more. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Gave an interview to the Cabinet (Cabinet) meeting this week. Will the National Anti-Corruption Commission's (NACC) opinions regarding the digital wallet project be brought to the discussion or not, whether there will be a meeting or not. Big Digital Committee on February 15th When asked again whether it will be clear on February 15th how the government will move forward with the project, Mr. Phumtham said whether it will be clear or not will happen after the meeting is over and what it will be like. Personally, I look at the offer of National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) said it is a matter of caution. It is a concern as many parties have different opinions. When you express your opinion , we accept it. The government listens to all kinds of opinions. Both fully support I want you to do it quickly and carefully. As for the NACC wanting it to be distributed only to vulnerable groups and using normal budgets, Mr. Phumtham said that what was different was that this project was not a project to distribute money. Therefore, there is no need to choose whether to take only the vulnerable or not. Because this project is a rights stimulating project that requires people to participate. All Thai citizens must participate in this stimulation. When asked repeatedly, This stimulus project will be a big stimulus, not just water and rice porridge, right? Mr. Phumtham said that our desire is a big stimulus. To bring about an economic turnaround But by continuing to extend it, it doesn't end today, it doesn't end tomorrow, it doesn't end this year. Next year, we have to see if it's medicine that can be used in that situation or not. This project is being initiated to stimulate the economy. Right now there i s still a crisis. There is no government spending at all. Tourism has a small number of people coming in but spending is less. The department store is not busy. 'I want you to ask yourself, what did we buy today or buy less? If we buy less because we have less purchasing power We have to take care of ourselves more. If the economy is still depressed like this There's nothing stimulating. It's like I said. It will spread to other things. Now the financial crisis has spread. Think about it with an open mind and consider it carefully. Look at the reality of the people If you look at it completely The use of discretion in various decisions will be closer to the real lives of people,' Mr. Phumtham said. As for the NACC citing the opinion of academics that the economy is in a slowdown period, not at the point of crisis, Mr. Phumtham said that it is a different opinion of many academics. But the Bank of Thailand came out with 9 points saying that there will be a crisis like that. A crisis like this seems frighteni ng, but point 10 says that purchasing power will gradually expand. But if you look at the 9 points above, I don't know that point 10 will be able to expand. Therefore, it is an opinion that must be taken into consideration as well. 'So I want everyone to come and look at the reality. In the past, every year's economic forecasts would tell us why the previous year was wrong. And this year there will be new predictions. We respect the opinions expressed by all parties. But everything will not be done using imagination alone. It must be a fantasy based on reality. Today, the management and operational departments do not see things differently. But we see it as the public sees people in difficulty. But the side that sits and analyzes the numbers may only look at theories or numbers or numbers alone, which is a problem. People who look at the academic department tend to look at the big picture. That's not a small picture. But the big picture must come from the small picture. Source: Thai News Agency