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The communication cable was stuck around the neck. It is expected that the harvester truck will fall first.

An incident in which a communication cable hooked the neck of a beauty instructor in Lampang Province caused serious injuries. Relatives rushed to find the cause from CCTV cameras. It is believed that the truck that was connected to the power line fell before the injured person passed by. Until it was caught by a communication cable and it fell over. Late today (February 16, 2024), relatives of Mr. Namphon, age 54, who was injured when a communication cable was caught around his neck while riding a motorcycle, went to buy food. and is a hairdressing teacher Including being the son of the owner of Mali Beauty School. Tried to find images from CCTV cameras at the scene of the incident. On the night of the incident, around 2:00 a.m. on February 9, 2024, some of the images obtained earlier tried to open and view the images but were unable to see them. Until today, when I tried to open it again, it turned out that I saw pictures from the incident. Even if you can't clearly see the spot where the car crashed But it was found that before the motorcycle fell, a large and tall solid box truck passed by. Soon after, the injured person was seen riding along and the vehicle fell. When relatives heard the noise, they quickly ran to look and saw the condition of the crashed car. which will see the point where the car crashed and the point where the injured person's body slid were quite far apart. After the incident, Mr. Thisirak Phothong, a senior policy and action planning expert, District 31, Lampang, along with NBTC employees, District 31, Lampang, and PEA employees, came to inspect the scene of the incident. After knowing from the news Still no coordination from the police in charge of the case. But they went to the area to prove which company the line belonged to. Initially it was found that The slack line The police had already made the cut earlier. Causing him to have to wait to take that communication line to check again. The official said that they will try to quickly verify which company's line this is. To coordin ate to take responsibility for the incident. and asked the people of Kad to find a communication line or loose and feared danger in the Lampang area You can report it at the hotline 1200 or 054-313920. Mr. Sarawut, the injured brother, gave a telephone interview about Mr. Namphon's latest condition, saying that since the incident his brother was still conscious. And the doctor took good care of him. He had surgery 3 times: the first time he had brain surgery to remove a blood clot. The second time he had facial bone surgery because his face was broken. Waiting for the third cheek implant, continuing from the first time to remove the remaining blood clot again. And today is the 4th time Surgery on the leg bone and tracheotomy to provide oxygen through the trachea. Reduce infection The doctor told the relatives to hope that the patient would get better and recover. Ms. Thitaree, younger sister, said that the injured person is the pillar of the family. Mother loves her very much. In the past, she has had a lot of work, especially entering contests about hairstyles and makeup. Now everyone in the house is Must accept what happened I only wish that you recover and recover quickly. .-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency