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Raid and arrest “Luang Chob” a drug trafficker and his wife at his house.

Songkhla, Border Patrol Police 434, Sonthi, attacked and arrested "Luang Chob," a drug trafficker who had escaped an arrest warrant along with his wife. Inspections discovered more ice. Confessed to both trading and drugs. Ordered from a friend who used to be in prison. Officers from the Narcotics Suppression Unit, Border Patrol Police Unit 434, Phatthalung, together with patrol police from the Special Operations Division. and Rattaphum District Administration Department Sondhi attacked and surrounded and searched a house. In the area of ??Khuan Ru Subdistrict, Rattaphum District, Songkhla Province, after finding out that there were drug dealers. who was a suspect in a drug trafficking case according to an arrest warrant from the Phatthalung Province court, fled and hid at this house. Fully armed officers deployed to surround the house. to prevent escape and searched inside the house and found Mr. Chob, aged 52 years, or "Luang Chob Khok Khai Rattaphum," the suspect according to the arrest warrant. in the bedroom His right leg is still in a cast. Must use a cane to walk. Due to a car accident, he and his wife were detained. During the arrest of the officers Two people, a husband and wife, were shaking and agitated, unable to sit still. So they searched Mr. Chob's husband and found 3.8 grams of ice in his pants pocket. and searched his wife's body and found another 1.1 gram of ice hidden in the hem of his pants. And some ice was also found hidden in the house. Total items seized were ice weighing 7.9 grams, ice consumption equipment. bags for sale 2 mobile phones, 1,140 baht in cash, 3 bank books used for transferring money for drug transactions, and 2 ATM cards. Investigate both He confessed to both selling and consuming ice. They had just lived together in this house for about a year. In particular, Mr. Chob testified that he ordered ice from a friend named "Nu" who he knew while he was incarcerated in Songkhla Central Prison. By contacting via Facebook, the name "Many words, no meaning" has been trading fo r about a year. After trading, it will delete every contact message. To protect the inspector The ice will be divided and sold to teenagers in the area at 100 baht per bag. The officers detained the two men and prosecuted. Mr. Chob was charged with drug use in addition to the original drug trafficking case according to the arrest warrant. Source: Thai News Agency