Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Invite to campaign against colon cancer

Government House, "Rudklao" invites people to join the campaign against colon and rectal cancer throughout the month of March. with symbol 'Dark Blue Ribbon' is 1 of the 5 most common cancers in Thai people. Mrs. Radklao Inthawong Suwankiri, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, revealed that colorectal cancer is the most common cancer in many countries around the world. With the changing lifestyles of the population As a result, the trend of colorectal cancer incidence is continually increasing. leading to cause of death and important public health problems which is becoming more severe every year Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister said that for Thailand Colorectal cancer is one of the five most common cancers in Thai people. The incidence rate of the disease is increasing every year. Currently, it is the third most common in males and the fourth most common in females. Each year there are 12,467 new patients, of which 6,874 are males and 5,593 females, and there are m ore than 4,700 deaths per year. At present, people's lifestyles Thailand has changed a lot from the past, especially in consumption habits such as eating high-fat foods. Various fast foods are becoming more popular. Charred grilled food Food made from repeated frying oil and processed meat It is considered an important risk factor for disease. There are also other risk factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol. lack of exercise Being obese and being overweight As well as having a family or personal history of intestinal polyps, etc. 'Colorectal cancer is a cancer that can be screened to find cancer in its early stages. As a result, treatment is effective and there is a high chance of recovery from the disease. People aged 50 years and over should be screened for colorectal cancer by checking for hidden blood in the stool once a year. If abnormal, you should undergo a colonoscopy. In cases where polyps or abnormalities are found in the large intestine, the doctor will biopsy the area for further diagnosis,' M rs. Radklao said. Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister said that at today's Cabinet meeting (March 12), the Ministry of Public Health, Department of Medical Services, through the National Cancer Institute distributed dark blue ribbons or Dark Blue Ribbons to all attendees. March It is the month that people around the world unite in wearing the said symbol. To jointly invite the public to take part in the campaign against colorectal cancer. Let's work together to change lifestyle behaviors that are at risk of disease. For the good health of ourselves and those we love. And let's work together to remind society that the dangers of colorectal cancer can happen to everyone. Source: Thai News Agency