Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Adjust the training curriculum for conscripts Incentive to apply more

WPO., "Suthin" adjusts the training curriculum for conscripts. Tune your patriotic IQ and create a gratitude day to fight the anti-military trend. Disrespecting parents Tighten recruiting knots all over the country Incentive to apply more After only 14,000 people passed the qualifications, out of a total demand of 89,000. Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense Provided policies regarding the project to recruit military personnel to serve as regular military personnel for the year 2024 between 1-12 April to recruiters throughout the country who came to the meeting at the National Defense College that Mission to select active duty soldiers There will be many policy changes. Therefore, a meeting had to be held to rehearse the guidelines in order for the operation to go smoothly. Originally we needed 200,000 regular soldiers. We used approximately 150,000 - 1,300,000 soldiers. Last year we needed 93,000, but we had to reduce this according to policy and situations, needs and demands of society under the ci rcumstances that we can accept. It doesn't make the army weak. Therefore, the total demand for this year is 89,000 soldiers. There are more than 30,000 soldiers applying online, but only 14,000 have passed the qualification examination, which is still missing many more. Between now and the day of the selection inspection, we will try to do more public relations campaigns. Please help persuade as many young people as possible to apply. By communicating through Line groups, relatives, friends, kamnans, village headmen, but the most effective thing to do is to communicate to the target group so as not to be inconspicuous. By taking the list of military personnel to look at. and then send the information directly Or walk in and knock on the door of the house face to face, even though society and parents' thoughts are negative about the military. But the big thing that we have to tell you is that conscripts today are different from those in the past, such as their income, which includes salary and allowances, tot aling about 10,000 baht. In addition, they still get to study. Credits can be transferred from the original school with the Learning Center being the unit that manages education for all soldiers. Linked with educational institutions during training, you can also study through online systems or modules. Once you've finished, you can continue your studies. In addition, we also have a vocational qualification institute. Anyone who has technical skills will be issued a certificate, as well as There are more opportunities for military service. There has been an increase in quotas in military institutions, including the Royal Thai Army giving up to 80% of seats. The Royal Thai Army is similar. As for the Royal Thai Police, this month they are hiring 500 police sergeants. In addition, large business organizations Government agencies interested in recruiting soldiers to work As for medical expenses Now I'm trying to figure out if next year I want it to go to my spouse or children. or the concept of Royal Thai Army i n presenting royal decorations to soldiers For his part, he thought about honoring his parents. Proud parents, such as putting up a sign in front of the house or setting up a stand with the national flag in front of the house To show that this house has a child who is a soldier. Similar to the United States and Europe where soldiers are honored. Importantly, people who volunteer Should be given more privileges than people who catch black and red cards as an incentive. May everyone prepare as best they can. In what we do every year Both the location, the list of names, the selection system are ready. Take lessons learned from shortcomings and mistakes and fix them in order to work as efficiently as possible. Most importantly, you must have discipline. There is elegance in being a soldier. By following the law Strict rules The important thing is the issue that society gossips about. regarding corruption Accepting bribes makes us degraded Therefore, I ask everyone to look at these matters as well. The results o f the practice will lead to promotion and subsequent transfer. At the same time, he understands the problems of the workers. In the future, I will take better care of you in terms of welfare and living conditions. and your unit as well Both Mr. Suthin also answered questions about recruitment in Samut Prakan Province. Regarding the possibility of allowing military personnel to become regular soldiers, receive higher education up to a doctorate degree and have free educational benefits, it is said that currently the army has NFE, open for education up to Mathayom 6, and applicants can apply for sergeants. There is an idea that in the future it will be offered up to a doctorate degree. Today, the market belongs to students. Universities are looking for students and have made MOUs with military units at the local level by sending a large number of soldiers to study. Even Chulalongkorn University offered us a quota. including private universities We may just have to facilitate it. About the learning center which is requesting a budget Welfare section That is, giving soldiers free education. considered a concept that will happen in the future but in the present Will discuss with educational institutions about paying tuition in installments. In addition, Mr. Suthin answered the question of the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Recruiter regarding the inculcation of patriotism in the soldiers. Is a regular soldier which is the new generation to love their country as intensely as in the past Today, people in society ask a number of questions about this matter. What to do with the new generation? that one part thinks opposite to the army And there is power and the social situation is favorable. Communication can penetrate far and wide quickly. Therefore, it is worrisome that the ideal of patriotism is a big issue. Therefore, I would like to adjust the training curriculum. Emphasis on the process of changing children's attitudes. Cultivated to fight the opposite trend of the military. Teach to create EQ more than IQ, along wi th the view that there must be a gratitude day covering gratitude to parents, the land, and institutions. 'Create new values ??for the new generation of children. is the value of gratitude Because the other side taught them not to be grateful to their parents. Not allowed to pay respect to parents Not grateful to the country's institutions' Source: Thai News Agency