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humanitarian aid bag It has reached the hands of the people of Myanmar.

Myanmar, Humanitarian aid bags from Thailand. It has reached the hands of the people of Myanmar. Reporters reported that The Thai Red Cross Society later delivered humanitarian aid items for the people of Myanmar. Through the Myanmar Red Cross Society At the 2nd Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge, Mae Sot District, Tak Province, on March 25, 2024, a convoy of 4,000 aid trucks for approximately 20,000 people arrived at Naboo Village. Baijong Village and Tamanya village which is a pilot area in Karen State safely On March 26, 2024, representatives of the Myanmar Red Cross Society has joined with local Karen community leaders to distribute the said aid items to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who have fled fighting from many areas and have taken shelter in 3 villages that are the project's target areas. Pilot this time It was witnessed by representatives of local authorities and local civil society organizations. The Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon participated in remote observation of the distribution of suppl ies, with technical support from the Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Management (AHA Centre) to ensure smooth operation. Efficient, reliable and transparent, this pilot project for cross-border humanitarian assistance delivery initiative It is a symbol of the goodwill of the Thai people towards all groups of Myanmar people without discrimination. The success of this operation is due to the close cooperation between the Thai Red Cross Society and the Myanmar Red Cross Society. Including the full support of relevant Thai and Myanmar agencies and local communities on both the Thai and Myanmar sides. including ethnic groups in Karen State that have a common goal of helping people in need of assistance. Source: Thai News Agency