Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

The government is concerned about people suffering from heatstroke. Recommend avoiding activities in the sun

Bangkok, "Kenika" reveals that the government is worried about the hot summer. Making people sick with heatstroke Recommend avoiding activities in the sun Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, said that at this time Thailand has entered the summer season. causing many areas to have hot and sultry weather The heat index has skyrocketed. and temperatures may reach as high as 44.5 degrees Celsius. The government of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Public Health Concerned about people at risk of heatstroke. which is dangerous to the point of death Therefore, we ask that at-risk groups include young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases. Stay in a well-ventilated area. Avoid staying in the sun for long periods of time. For those working outdoors, switch to indoors periodically. Ms. Kanika continued that according to information from the Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health Heat s troke or heatstroke is caused by a condition in which the body is overheated and affects various systems in the body. It is a symptom that can be found during the hot season in Thailand. This is a risky condition for people who work or live in places with strong sunlight. or the weather is hot and stuffy Therefore, it is recommended that people take care of their health during hot weather. Wear light-colored clothing that wicks heat well. Avoid being in the hot sun. Avoid doing activities that require exertion outdoors for long periods of time. Wear sunglasses, an umbrella, and a wide-brimmed hat. Drink more water than usual To compensate for the loss of water in the body However, in families where there are elderly or children living there. Elderly or bedridden patients should not be left alone in a house with a closed glass room. And never leave young children, elderly people, or pets in a car parked outdoors. This is because the temperature inside the car is higher than outside. However, if any member of the public encounters someone who is experiencing symptoms of heat stroke You can provide first aid by: Immediately bring the patient into the shade or a well-ventilated area. Arrange the patient's body to lie down. Loosen clothing until it is loose. And use a cloth moistened with cold water to wipe the body. And you can call the hotline 1669 immediately. Source: Thai News Agency