Thailand Recorder

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BSS organizes a seminar ‘How to communicate equally the rights of LGBTQIAN+ people with society’s acceptance’

Bangkok, 3rd generation of BYSS organized a seminar on the topic 'How to communicate equally the rights of LGBTQIAN+ people with society's acceptance' Currently, Thailand is open to gender diversity in terms of laws and rights. But there are still many inequalities, such as being denied job opportunities and receiving inappropriate medical treatment from hospitals. And there are still some people who are still not accepting of LGBTQ+ people, which can lead to hate. Today, the 3rd class of the Senior Mass Communication Strategy Executive Program (BYSS) has organized a seminar on the topic. 'How to communicate equally the rights of LGBTQIAN+ people with society's acceptance' so that gender diverse groups can communicate their identities to the public. They were honored by Nachalay Boonyaphisom, transgender activist, Thanyawarin Sukapisit, series director, and two actors: Rasameekhae Fakualon and Noon-Daran. Thitakawin in exchanging experiences and perspectives from people with diverse sexualities and brainst orming to find ways to create social equality for the LGBTQIAN+ group, conducted by Wasin Bunyakhom from MCOT HD and Ankanang Chitrakorn from AMARIN TV. In this seminar, we communicate stories that each person has experienced in their lives in society, their families, as well as in schools and universities. Now legally marriage is equal. It is being prepared to be considered by the Senate. And if it passes the floor of the Senate, it will be presented to His Majesty the King. to be promulgated into law If everything is finished All parties, both public and private sectors Including various agencies We must understand as much as possible so that everyone can live together happily in society. Source: Thai News Agency