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“Warawut” confirms that he has not yet received a signal about the Cabinet adjustment from the Prime Minister.

Miracle Grand School, "Warawut" confirms that he has not yet received a signal about the Cabinet adjustment from the Prime Minister, refuses to answer after 7 months. Is it time to adjust or not? Ask Pheu Thai, the party leader vows to work until the last minute. Revealing the heart of political work The party must adapt wherever it is. will create change Most beneficial to the people Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security As the leader of the Thai Chart Pattana Party Talking about speaking in the meeting room that the Thai Chart Pattana Party has taken care of all living things, from 4 feet to 2 feet. I don't know if there will be feet in the future or not. No signal has been received regarding the Cabinet reshuffle. But in the sense of speaking, in the future if working in other dimensions There may be no feet at all. We can't predict. It depends on the discussions of the coalition parties. As for whether there has been any discussion with the coalition parties yet? Una ble to repay other parties But the party's part has not yet been discussed. As for whether he was sure he would be able to stay in the same place or not, Mr. Warawut said he was not sure because he didn't know yet. No contact yet work hard As for the minister whose name was fined, he began to waver as if he had sighed. Does the Chartthaipattana Party confirm that they have not received a signal yet? Mr. Warawut said that whether there is a signal or not, But as long as he holds the position The Minister of Public Health will work until the last minute. Although there is news that it will be adjusted or not, it depends. As long as he wears a minister's hat, the MOE receives a salary from public taxes. We will work until the last minute. Mr. Warawut said he could not repay the government and party leaders for working for 7 months. Is it time to adjust the Cabinet? The Pheu Thai Party must be the one to answer this question. But confirmed on the part of the party 7 months ago We have many works. Changing the w orking dimension of the Ministry of Human Rights. Mr. Warawut mentioned that the big problem of the Ministry of Local Health and Environment is the problem of the elderly population. To have an increased population The new generation must have families and children. Problems must be solved at the root. Create hope for the new generation Be confident that you will have the potential to take care of your family. Both residences Quality of education, quality of life, environment that makes you want to have a family It is not only the MSD that is responsible. But every ministry must solve the problem together. To create a society where the new generation is comfortable, has hope, and has a refuge in the future. Mr. Warawut also spoke about the adjustment of the Chart Thai Development Party to keep up with political changes in order for the party to continue to exist. He thinks that the key to working in politics is Creating change in the work we do which the Thai Chart Pattana Party Since the 2019 election unti l today, he believes that the people have seen this. No matter what ministry we work in. We can make change happen in a good way. Whether it is the dimension of natural resources and the environment Or today we take care of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. We changed the dimension of the ministry's work from reactive to proactive. work in style One and Only M.D. Therefore, the work of the Thai National Party develops us into practitioners. Wherever we are, we create change to bring the greatest benefit to the people. No matter what era of politics it is. The goal of politics is to improve the quality of life of citizens. And he thought that we had made it as concrete as possible for the people to see. As for what to do to make the Chart Thai Pattana Party continue to exist, Mr. Warawut said that the existence of the party, the party leader said. It is not as important as party members say. If the party leader says that we will continue to live in the sky like a star in the sky. It's not like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of members talking. If there are 2-3 hundred thousand people talking to each other that the Chart Thai Pattana Party will stay. He thought it was more reassuring than what the party leader said because the party leader was just one voice. But tens of thousands of party members live Should give more confidence to society than one person alone. As for whether the number of members of the Chartthaipattana Party has increased after the past election in 2023, Mr. Warawut stated that from now on we have approximately 10,000 members staying, which is to maintain the number of members we have throughout the country. No. to decrease As for planning a strategy for more new generations to come work in the Chart Thai Development Party, Mr. Warawut said that we now have a new generation coming to work at a certain level. Including improving communication with fellow citizens on the channel. various social media There is a new spokesperson team and ladies joining as well. It is an adjustment to the work of the party along with the existence of the elders who are still in the Chart Thaipat Party. As for whether the Chart Pattana Party has confidence from competing with the new generation of energetic parties that are currently in existence, Mr. Warawut said, 'We are never afraid of work. If we talk about work, the Chart Thai Development Party has never lost to anyone. We are confident that we can definitely fight.' Source: Thai News Agency