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“Piraphan” has not clearly stated the measures to hold the price of diesel at 30 baht per liter.

Ratchapruek Club,, "Piraphan" has not clearly stated the measure to fix the price of diesel fuel at 30 baht per liter, but is working to dismantle the energy structure so that the government can set the price. It's clearly finished in this government. Mr. Peeraphan Saleerathaviphak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy Mentioning the announcement of oil prices, the government must do it itself. What will he do? When unable to separate from the world market But it can separate the people from the world market. The global market will be a matter for entrepreneurs and governments. It's not about the people, that's what they aim for. Now there is a way to do this. and had meetings every week This can be carried out by this government while he is in the position of Minister of Energy. As for whether it will be difficult or not because there is a group of capitalists. Mr. Peeraphan said that although it is difficult, it must be done. Because nothing is easy. It is not easy or difficult, but it is somethi ng that we have the intention to do. Therefore, if we intend to do it. Difficult things are easy. If you don't have determination, no matter how easy it is, you can't do it. Meanwhile, the price of diesel fuel will be fixed at 30 baht per liter or not. Mr. Peeraphan said it was important. And it's a system problem. The current energy structure is a problem. Which he said from the first time he took charge that Dissatisfied with this energy system and structure So it needs to be fixed. But while fixing it, it had to be accepted that it had been the same structure for 51 years, and in the past 51 years, no one thought of improving it. and fix it for the people But I will do it myself. and is doing it which will make it possible Mr. Peeraphan Mentioned that there will be expansion of measures. Fixing the price of diesel fuel at 30 baht per liter for citizens and entrepreneurs or not, as it was before this government. Maintaining oil prices There are two main mechanisms used, which are considered the power of t he Oil Fund: 1. Setting excise tax ceilings and various taxes collected on oil. It is considered the power of the committee. Not owned by the Ministry of Finance But when the ceiling is set People with authority to collect taxes is the Ministry of Finance. The second mechanism is money from the Oil Fund. But the conditions of the current law to cut off the power to set the ceiling money Only the power to use the fund remains. This is the reason why he came to bear the burden of the oil fund even though it was originally the power of the committee that determined that How much should the excise tax be adjusted up or down? When the power was cut off This makes it a burden on the oil fund to use the money only. And now he is in the process of resolving this matter. and emphasized that it was necessary to amend the law which is currently being drafted Without fear of being slow in drafting laws, you yourself will be the one who drafts them yourself. Will I have to wait a long time or not? Mr. Peeraphan said When they reach the final stage that they have laid out the guidelines, that is, the government has the power to set prices. But before that day comes, we must gradually adjust because the original structure has been like this for 51 years and has never been changed. At least he has begun to change. and is starting to do For the first time in 51 years, there is a measure for traders to report costs. which has never been seen before In the past, no one ever knew the cost. I only know of loss. Then take the fund money What are you going to compensate for? Which no one has ever done. But now I've done it myself. This is what we try to show. The Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party is really working. Dismantle all the bad things. which I am trying to do . Source: Thai News Agency