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Internal Affairs

“Settha” inspects factory storing chemical waste Search for the cause of the fire

Rayong, "Seththa" went to the area to inspect a chemical waste storage factory in Rayong Province, urging him to find the cause of the fire. Order to solve problems - provide relief to the people Villagers hold up signs asking for the factory to be removed. The Director-General arrived late in the area. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Inspected the situation of solving the fire incident in the industrial chemical waste storage factory of Winprocess Co., Ltd., Ban Khai Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province, along with Ms. Pimpattra Wichaikul, Minister of Industry. Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health, and Dr. Phrommin Lertsuriyadet Secretary to the Prime Minister As soon as the Prime Minister arrived Went to the area to listen to a report on operations in the area from the Governor of Rayong Province that there were officers on standby 24 hours a day to prevent fires from rising again. At this time, the cause of the fire is still unknown. You must wait for the fire to subside and for forensic officers to inspect. The Prime Minister asked to expedite the process. Before asking where the Director-General of the Department of Factory is This matter is important. When have you visited the area before? To which the Director-General of the Department of Factory responded that he came yesterday morning. This caused the Prime Minister to ask when the fire occurred. Why did it take so long to go to the area? He is the Director-General of the Factory Department. He should have come sooner. Because this is a serious matter. If there is an assumption that Is it possible that it is caused by high temperatures? I would like to ask you to go and have a look as well. Other factories like this have very high summer temperatures. If possible, I'd like you to check it carefully. Mr. Settha ordered the commander of the Provincial Police Region 2 Check the cause of the fire The new burn usually occurs in the morning. By asking the police to prove evidence and set a date. and to expedi te the cause of what caused it Meanwhile, Police Lieutenant General Somprasong Yenthuam, commander of Provincial Police Region 2, stated that he is currently preparing a map of the case. and see what evidence there is, but you have to wait for it The police or humans can enter the area safely. The Prime Minister asked when it would be safe and possible to enter. Therefore reported that There are still fire outbreaks. Which is expected to be one to two days. While Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health Report the situation that Initially, 78 people were evacuated from 2 subdistricts, Bang But Subdistrict and Nong Bua Subdistrict. Go to the shelter Now there are 39 people left, 4 of whom are bedridden patients with respiratory illnesses. And patients who are bedridden are receiving good care confirming that It is not caused by exposure to substances from a fire incident. and after the fire was extinguished I'll go in and see if there are any chemicals left. To find a way to get rid of Mr. Wichian Sukk erd, a candidate for the Pheu Thai Party, told Mr. Settha that villagers do not believe the air measurement results of government agencies. And since the fire until today People still haven't received the facts. and villagers had to evacuate from the area The Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works reported that this matter had been a complaint since 2013. In 2021, the court ordered the company to eliminate the chemical court. By hiring SK Company To begin moving in 66, but when the contract expires The work is not yet completed. The Department of Industry will come in and dispose of the chemical waste itself. Yesterday I went to ask the prosecutor to coordinate with the court. I would like to state to the court that the Department of Factory Industry will treat it myself. As for experts from NPC Company, who have experience extinguishing fires from the Mingdi 64 Chemical factory, who came to help extinguish the fire, said that now the fire is almost 100% under control, but there are still fi res that need to be covered with calcium carbonate and sand. so as not to catch fire and prevent rain that will fall in the future It controls the temperature to prevent chemicals from simmering. When aluminum drops meet water Will cause ammonia. Mr. Settha then ordered the Ministry of Interior and the Department of Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Take care and control the situation to return to normal. Ready to prepare a compensation plan for those affected. and public relations Have affected people register at the Damrongtham Center, Nong Bua Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province, and Bang But Subdistrict Administrative Organization. and Nong Bua Subdistrict to provide information for rehabilitation According to relevant legal regulations and to the Pollution Control Department and the Department of Industrial Works Measure air quality in communities and report the results To monitor public health and expedite the removal of hazardous chemical waste in the area for proper disposal. and be prepared to deal with problems during the rainy season that there may be dangerous objects coming out of the area by the Department of Industrial Works Set clear guidelines and measures to solve problems. Including the Department of Industrial Works and Provincial Industry Office Integrate inspections of factories of this type throughout the country. and prepare guidelines for measures to prevent this from happening in other areas. Then Mr. Settha I talked personally with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry. Ms. Pimphattra Tuk and Dr. Phrommin, taking approximately 5 minutes. Then the Prime Minister came to receive the letter. from those affected in the area By calling on the Prime Minister and Minister to bring in experts to solve the said problem. and take chemical waste to be destroyed outside the area including the transfer of the Director-General of the Department of Industry and provincial industries Because I had previously complained about this problem at the Damrongtham Center Mi nistry of Interior Since the time of General Prayut's government But it hasn't been fixed yet. However, during the procession of Mr. Settha Departure from the factory There were villagers holding up signs asking for the Prime Minister. Take away the hell factory. with a sign stating that "Let's take this toxic waste out of Nong Phawa", "The Prime Minister comes and has only 30 minutes to give to the villagers", "Begging the Prime Minister for help, 10 years of suffering". Source: Thai News Agency