Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Thanakorn supports the poll in favor of amending the Constitution without touching sections 1-2.

Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party, Thanakorn supports the poll, revealing that the majority of the people approve of amending the constitution without touching sections 1-2, recommending that all party MPs do creative work. Not based on benefits Repeat division Mr. Thanakorn Wangboonkhongchana, party-list MP and deputy leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTC), said that after the Nida Poll Opinion Center of the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) revealed the results of the opinion poll. Sample group of people regarding the amendment and preparation of a new constitution without amending Section 1, General Provisions, and Section 2, the King. It was found that the majority, 50.07 percent, said they agreed, followed by 29.24 percent said they did not agree, which they considered that even though it was a group of people, it was not a voice from the whole country. But he believes It is considered an overall guideline that can be compared with each other and is confident that when it comes t o voting in the referendum of the people throughout the country. It is expected that the results will be in this direction. This is because most people view Section 1 regarding sovereignty and democratic governance with the King as Head of State and the Constitution as the highest law. Section 2 concerns the King. There should be no corrections. As for the question asking about people's confidence in the preparation of a new constitution that will make Thai politics better, it was found that 37.95 percent said they did not believe at all, followed by 26.03 percent said they did not have much confidence, 19.31 percent said said they were somewhat confident, 15.11 percent said they were very confident. Mr. Thanakorn stated that the voices and answers of the people are considered very important to politicians. To the House of Representatives and to the government, which must be brought up as a problem for ourselves and political parties that they have performed their duties both in the House of Representatives and And is it the best way to take care of listening to the problems of local people? 'Amending the constitution is just one part. that is conducive to solving problems and developing the country forward But what is important is that politicians, political parties, the House of Representatives, and the government will work according to the policies that they have campaigned for. Not dishonest Not based on political benefits If there is creative work Do not create a repeat of the division. make the country strong develop forward It will build confidence among the people in the long run,' Mr. Thanakorn said. Source: Thai News Agency