Thailand Recorder

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The committee investigates 2 big police officers and prepares to call more witnesses. Before explaining the details after 13 May.

Bangkok, The committee examining two big police officers has postponed explaining details to the media until after 13 May after preparing to call 4-5 additional witnesses within the next week. As for "Big Tor's" wife, she has already submitted a letter of explanation. From the case of Police General Winai Thongsong, a member of the committee investigating the facts regarding the conflict in the case of personnel within the Royal Thai Police. appointed by the Prime Minister Will announce the progress of the investigation of 2 big police officers involved in the financial route of online gambling websites. with the media within this week To clarify all issues regarding those involved in the said financial path. Recently there was news that the committee postponed the press conference to after May 13th because it is currently inviting another 4-5 people involved on both sides to provide additional information. Especially in the part Police General Surachet Hakphan, or Big Joke, had previously almost completed his interrogation of witnesses. But there are still 1-2 witnesses who will travel to provide information. before being considered complete As for Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimon, Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police The committee had previously invited him to provide information. But in terms of wives and relatives Police General Torsak A letter of clarification was made and sent to the committee instead. But we still need to interview additional witnesses as well. It is expected that after May 13, the committee will be able to clarify various issues. Get every issue. Source: Thai News Agency