Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Open the timeline and select Senator.

Election Commission, Opens timeline for selecting Senators. It is expected that the Election Commission will open applications for 20 occupational groups on May 20-24, before the district level selection begins on June 9. Reporters reported that After announcing the Royal Decree for the selection of senators in 2024, effective today. From now on, the Election Commission will have a meeting. and announced the application date and selection date for senators from 20 career groups, which is expected to take place by May 13, 2024. It is expected that the application will be announced on May 20-24. 2567 Before proceeding with the verification of applicants' qualifications and requires selection District level senators on June 9, 2024. Then within 7 days from the district level selection there will be a selection. Senator at the provincial level This is expected to be June 16, 2024 and within 10 days after the provincial selection. There will be selection at the national level. which is expected to be 26 June 20 24 After the Election Commission received the vote counting results from the national election director. The Election Commission will not announce the results immediately. But will wait no less than 5 days if it is considered that the selection is correct, honest, fair. The selection results will be announced in the Royal Gazette. It is expected that the announcement will be made on July 2, 2024. The Election Commission is preparing to hold a meeting to set the date for selecting senators on May 13, after the Royal Decree comes into effect. Mr. Itthiphon Boonprakong, Chairman of the Election Commission Election revealed that after the Royal Decree was issued to select members of the Senate. Regarding setting the date for various operations Regarding the selection of Senators, the office will present it to the Election Commission meeting on Monday, May 13. Next week, meetings are scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as usual. Source: Thai News Agency