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6 Myanmar people arrested for attacking trainers and Muay Thai boxers

Chiang Mai, 6 Myanmar teenagers arrested. He went in to find a fight with the trainer and 4 Thai boxers, causing the trainer to break his arm. A group of Myanmar youths went into a fight with a Muay Thai boxing trainer and four boxers on the night of May 7th. While relaxing on the Otaru Canal bridge In the city of Chiang Mai Even though we had never known each other before. This caused Mr. Prawit, 34 years old, a trainer, to be injured, with a broken arm and a torn finger, requiring 10 stitches, but still stubbornly hitting his knee until a group of teenagers raised their hands to apologize. Then they ran away. As for the victim, she filed a report on May 10th. Most recently, the Chiang Mai Police Station Traces from CCTV cameras Until it was learned that the group that caused the crime were workers at a cacare shop. and a shop selling chicken frames Kadkom community area In the city of Chiang Mai They were able to track down and arrest all the perpetrators, a total of 6 people between the ages of 18-21. T hey were initially prosecuted on charges of escaping into the country illegally. and will request seizure In the case of assaulting another person, it was added later. And there will be a press conference at 3:00 p.m. today at Muang Chiang Mai Police Station. Source: Thai News Agency