Thailand Recorder

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The Teachers Council orders the suspension of licenses of school directors and teachers who purchase student services.

Bangkok, The Teachers Council orders the suspension of licenses of school directors and teachers who purchase student services, expediting investigations. If true, licenses will be revoked immediately. Asst. Prof. Dr. Amonwan Veerathamo, secretary-general of the Teachers' Council, revealed that from the case of school directors and teachers in the Chum Phae District area. Khon Kaen Province He was arrested by police on charges of purchasing the sexual services of a 12-year-old female student. He was also charged with sexually assaulting a child under thirteen years of age, indecency with a child under thirteen years of age, and taking away a child under thirteen years of age. more than fifteen years for indecency, influencing, instigating, or encouraging a child to behave inappropriately, or taking unlawful advantage of that child Teachers Council Secretariat Urgently check the facts. It appears that The school director who was arrested Has a license to practice as a teacher and educational institution admi nistrator. and performing duties in a school in Chum Phae District Khon Kaen Province The arrested teacher has retired and no information on renewing his teaching license has been found. Kurupha Secretariat prepares to propose to the Professional Standards Committee Consider suspending all types of professional licenses first. Until the investigation is completed Because there are elements in which the license can be suspended first. If the offense is related to sex, drugs, or has been prosecuted for a criminal offense involving property or malpractice. And if the result is found to be true Will immediately revoke all types of professional licenses. As for the case of teachers who have already retired, information about wrongdoing has been recorded in the professional registration and license database system for consideration of prohibited characteristics of applicants for renewal of licenses to practice all types of educational professions. finished We would like to remind educational institution administr ators, teachers, and all educational personnel to strictly control and supervise anyone from engaging in such behavior. Because it is a violation of professional ethics in education. Ethics towards service recipients clearly. Source: Thai News Agency