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Internal Affairs

The Prime Minister turns away after “Tae-Mongkolkit” teases that government projects have loopholes.

Republic of Italy, The Prime Minister turns away after "Tae-Mongkolkit" teases that the government project has loopholes, urging the coalition party to find someone to sit in the Prime Minister's chair instead, saying that if there is evidence, it will be ready to investigate. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, mentioned the case of Mr. Mongkolkit. Suksintharanon Democrat Party member Said he didn't want to work with the government. Because there are many projects that appear to be illegal. Especially the digital wallet project that he listened to and felt I'm not at ease. When a person with a reputation, a former member of parliament, comes to talk about corruption. Without saying clearly what the matter was Personally, I am ready to prove if there is any evidence. It's ready to be verified. Or will action be taken against agencies or individuals involved in corruption? So, would you like to work together or not? It is the right of each person. 'During his duties as Prime Minister I want to work with ev eryone. Whether it is the opposition Legislative branch or administrative department I want to work together creatively. If there's something we're not doing right, tell us. If you have evidence, please tell me. And I probably don't want to say anything more than this,' Mr. Settha said. As for Mr. Mongkolkit who just came to be with the Democrat Party And coming out to speak like this, do you think there is support from adults behind it or not? The Prime Minister said that he would not like to express his opinion. and really did not know, while emphasizing that he was willing to work with all parties Seen from before went down to the southern area Democrat Party MPs also came to welcome him. I'd rather put the people in the center. As for who will be the government? Who will be the opposition? I believe that everyone has a duty to work for the people in different roles. As for Mr. Mongkolkit Will you just come in or is there someone behind it? I would like it to be a matter of Mr. Mongkolkit. But if it's a matter that can help provide clarity. or cause the citizens to have no misunderstandings, we are happy to investigate. Source: Thai News Agency