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“Nantana” does not give up, fights 100% to compete for the Senate President.

Bangkok, 'Nantana' does not give up, fights 100% to compete for the Senate President, even though the Blue Line has 150 Senators, hinting that she has already considered which committee if she loses the Senate President position. Nantana Nanthawaropas, a senator who announced her candidacy for the position of Senate President, said that even though the Blue Line Senators have already announced their names for who they will send to compete for the positions of Senate President and Vice President, and there are 150 senators in the line, she has not given up. She will fight with all her might, fight 100 percent, and is already prepared. This is because she has not thought about the number of senators they have, and we do not believe them because no one has come forward. She believes that all senators will vote with determination and for the benefit of the people. Therefore, she has not given up. When asked about the movement of the position of the chairman of the Senate Standing Committee (SPC) if she loses t he position of the Senate President, what will be done about the chairman of the committee after this? Mrs. Nantana said that right now we are fighting for the position of the head of the Senate. After this, we will talk about it later. However, our group has already planned which committee chairman we will take, but it has not been crystallized yet. As for the Blue Line Senators, they will take the chairman of the committee that the Bhumjaithai Party is overseeing the ministry, and the Grade A committee, Nang Nantana said that she still doesn't really see who all the Blue Line Senators are. Let's go see the voting tomorrow (July 23) and then we'll talk about it because it's the real thing. But before this, we didn't know because they never showed themselves. But tomorrow they have to show themselves. 'Tomorrow, the president will be elected. Once that's done, we'll start talking about the committees. Let's just say we'll talk about the future. When something happens, we'll talk about it. But right now, we' re focused on tomorrow. So, I invite the public to come and listen to the first live broadcast of the Senate meeting, which will be very exciting because there will be a presentation of visions for both the president and vice president positions. When the public comes to listen, I guarantee that the image of the Senate will change completely,' said Nang Nantana. Source: Thai News Agency