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A 16 year old boy was attacked and killed by 8 teenagers.

Nakhon Phanom,, A 16-year-old boy was attacked by a group of youths who kicked his motorcycle until he lost control and crashed into an electric pole and died. Police immediately arrested 8 teenagers and brought them in for a stressful examination. The mother of a 16-year-old boy insists on taking the matter to the end. Ms. Preeyanuch, 33 years old, and her 16-year-old son, Oak, reported to the Phon Sawan Police Station that their son and friend, Mr. Mam, 16 years old, were attacked by a group of local youths. It caused Mr. Mam's death. Mr. Oak, Ms. Preeyanuch's son, said that 7-8 teenagers rode 4 motorcycles on either side and attacked him. Use your knuckles to hit them but dodge in time. And one of the youths used his foot to pedal the motorcycle that Mr. Mam was driving. causing the car to lose control and crash into an electric pole Mr. Mam's face hit an electric pole and was seriously injured. The perpetrator then fled on a motorcycle. Luckily, a good citizen who passed by informed the OPP and helped take him to the hospital. Confirmed that he had never known this group of teenagers. And there had never been a quarrel before. Mr. Weeraphan, aged 55 years, and Mrs. Anong, aged 47 years, are Mr. Mam's father and mother. Travel to Phonsavan Hospital Monitored my son's condition with concern until 11:00 p.m. His condition did not improve. There is only strength and collapse. So we decided to send our son for further treatment at Nakhon Phanom Hospital, bringing him into the ICU room all night, praying that his son would be safe. But miracles didn't come true. Until 9:49 a.m., the son died. Mrs. Anong said that Nong Mum went to work. I didn't go on a trip. Never had an issue with anyone Working at the temple with Phrakhru Currently a vocational student I was ordained as a monk while graduating from Mathayom 3. I confirmed that my child never went out at night. Never quarreled with anyone. Every day I go alone. That day, a friend went to work at the temple as well. So I asked to take my son's car home with me and was attacked by a group of youths until he died. The father and mother took Nong Mam's body back to perform merit-making at Ban Kham Pia Yai. Recently, the police at Phonsavan Police Station arrested a total of 8 people who caused the incident. They are currently investigating to find the motive for this incident. Source: Thai News Agency