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A 19 year old young man was arrested wielding a fake gun in a robbery at a gold shop in the middle of Tak city.

Tak, Wang Chao Police Station arrested a 19-year-old man brandishing a fake gun for invading a gold shop. But in shock, the shop owner shouted and called the police. Hurry and flee first. Claiming to make money to pay off debt Was tricked into buying an iPhone online but didn't get it. Police from Wang Chao Police Station, Mueang District, Tak Province jointly announced the arrest of a suspect who attempted to rob a gold shop in Chiang Thong Subdistrict, Wang Chao District, Tak Province. The incident occurred yesterday (June 8). Wang Chao Police Station, Mueang District, Tak Province, received a man wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Wear a safety helmet. Pretend to be a parcel delivery driver Breaking in and trying to rob a gold shop while the shop owner's sister was watching over the shop When he saw the criminal pull out a gun, he quickly fled to the back of the store. startle the villain and quickly grabbed the package and ran out of the store. Before starting the motorcycle, he fled quickly without taking a ny property. Later, the investigative team divided up their forces to follow up. Until they were able to arrest the suspect, known as Mr. Phu, 19 years old, along with the motorcycle used in the crime. Before being taken in for questioning and taken to make the plan, Mr. Phu confessed that he was a parcel transport employee. and used a toy gun to threaten the shop owner into giving him gold, but he didn't get the gold and had to escape first. After successfully escaping Take the clothes and equipment used in the crime, including clothes, helmets, parcel boxes and a black children's toy gun. Throw it away in the grass beside the Ping River. before driving back and hiding in the house As for the motivation, the cause comes from not having money to spend each day. Including a debt that he took from a company where he worked for a total of 56,000 baht, part of which he used for personal expenses and used to buy an iPhone through his Facebook page. After ordering, it appears that the item was not received as ord ered. Moreover, the store that ordered the item has already been charged. The part that was received was not an iPhone. This causes feelings of displeasure, regret, and having to find money to repay the debt that the company's money was used to pay first. As for the previous news about online gambling debts He admitted that he had actually played. But I don't have online gambling debt. But was tricked into selling by online scammers. However, when the officers took him to make a plan to compile a confession. During this time, the accused encountered the shop owner again. I cried and raised my hands to apologize. Ready to say that he did not intend to Not intending to hurt anyone. As for the gun used, it was a fake gun Source: Thai News Agency