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A drug addict threw a 1-year-old child into a shrimp pond and died tragically.

Rayong, Sad! Young man hallucinates on drugs, arrests co-worker's son Thrown into shrimp pond, tragic death When the child's father went to the bathroom The child's father reveals that he is extremely sad and doesn't think he can do it. The culprit is believed to be hallucinating drugs. Stressed that the child is crying This happened At a shrimp pond in Noen Kho Subdistrict, Klaeng District, Rayong Province, Klaeng Police Station, Rayong Province, was informed that a child had been thrown into a shrimp pond and died. The culprit who committed the crime is still within the area of ??the incident. Therefore, troops were sent to the scene of the incident. Mr. Thongpipat, 26 years old, father of 1-year-old Posh, said that the culprit was Mr. Natthaphong. Co-workers on a shrimp farm who had only been able to work for 3 days before the incident this morning, Mr. Natthaphong came to sit and talk in the house. At that time he was with his 2 sons. After sitting and talking for a while. He excused himself to go to th e bathroom. Let the son stay with Mr. Natthaphong and while in the bathroom It appeared that the son was crying. So he shouted from the bathroom and told him to be quiet. Then a loud bang was heard. The sound of kicking the refrigerator and bathroom door He then shouted and asked from the bathroom, Why kick the refrigerator or it will break and then suddenly hear the sound of something large falling into the water? At that time he thought that Mr. Natthaphong Probably jumped into the pond to catch fish. Until he finished his mission, he came out of the bathroom and couldn't find his son, so he asked Mr. Natthaphong where his son, Nong Posh, had gone. Mr. Natthaphong replied with a straight face, The water has already been thrown away. At that time, he did not believe it and thought that Mr. Natthaphong was joking, so he hurriedly walked around until he found his son's body floating in the pond. So he quickly jumped into the well and brought the body up. But the son has died. As for Mr. Natthaphong, after ca using the incident, he ran away and jumped into the shrimp pond. completely naked Swimming around like a unconscious person Upon seeing the police officers, Mr. Natthaphong became frightened and tried to swim around in the shrimp pond. Ignoring the police who were called up from the well. Until the hours have passed Mr. Thongpipat's brother who was the uncle of Nong Poch, who died, grabbed a 3 meter long piece of wood and waded into the pond to chase and hit Mr. Natthaphong. A young man hallucinates drugs to come out of a well. Until finally, the police and villagers who were waiting at the edge of the pond helped to arrest him. Use a rope to tie him up and drag him to the police car. Mr. Thongpipat The father of the boy who died He went to speak to Mr. Natthaphong, the perpetrator, and said, "He worked hard to take good care of me, but he came to kill my son." As for the villagers who gathered to watch, they cursed and cursed him at the cruel act. Police officers had to quickly remove him from the scene. fo r fear of being killed by the child's relatives and lynched by the villagers By Mr. Natthaphong The young man who was haunted by medicine screamed all the way. Source: Thai News Agency