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A foreign volunteer was bitten by a buffalo bear. He grabbed a knife and cut off his own arm.

Bangkok: Chiang Dao Buffalo Bear Bite a Swiss Volunteer While feeding food in the cage He decided to use a knife to cut his own arm until it was torn off. to survive There was an incident with a male tourist. Swiss nationality, 32 years old, volunteer with the Wildlife Conservation Foundation in Chiang Dao District. Chiang Mai Province A buffalo bear under the care of the Foundation bit his right arm and was seriously injured. While reaching into the bear's cage to feed But it appears that during that time A buffalo bear bit him in the arm. and refused to let go, presumably out of fear that his life would be in danger Make such tourists I decided to use the knife I had with me. Cut off your own arm. To survive and escape from the bear's pull. Until he was injured, his right arm was torn from the elbow down. Those in the rescue incident were rushed to the hospital. For such a buffalo bear Was found lost in the forest of Doi Pha Daeng National Park in 2013, but due to restrictions There is no large cage to ra ise them. and requires a wide area Therefore, it was handed over to the Wildlife Unity Foundation. Be a legal caretaker Source: Thai News Agency