Thailand Recorder

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A handsome police officer takes off his shirt and lets his younger brother wear it for the border patrol police exam.

Open the heart of Police Lieutenant Colonel Reveech Kokaew, a handsome policeman who makes social media people happy. Take off your shirt and let the young man take the border patrol police exam. wish good luck The clip received a large number of views. Ready to come and admire and thank this police officer. Know that the police in the clip are Police Lieutenant Reveech Kokaew, Deputy Inspector, Explosive Object Recovery and Disposal Group, Division 3, Air Support Division Border Patrol Police Headquarters or Kru Re Naresuan Camp therefore inquired about the background of the incident. Teacher Re said that that day he was the leader of the team investigating corruption in the exams of students who came to take the exams. And saw the younger person in the clip who was going to take the exam wearing a collared shirt. which does not correspond to the regulations stated That is, wear a round-neck shirt to the exam. I tried to find a solution for a long time. I myself watched the younger sibling solve the probl em until the public relations department announced the second round that the time was almost up. I still can't find a change of shirt. He saw his intention to take the exam to become a border patrol police officer. So I went in to ask who I was with. In case there is anyone who can help you? But he said he came alone. And now the time is almost up. So he hurriedly took off his shirt for the younger sibling without thinking anything. Source: Thai News Agency