Thailand Recorder

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A young man was arrested for illegally cutting wood in the middle of the night in a protected forest area.

The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) arrested a young man who was illegally cutting wood in the middle of the night in a protected forest area. They found restricted wood, ammunition, and drugs. The arresting officer The Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Suppression Division (Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Suppression Division) arrested Mr. Khomsan, 39 years old, for the crime of cutting down restricted wood within the national reserved forest area, logging, or doing anything with the restricted wood. in the forest without permission from the official; possession of ammunition without permission from the local registrar; possession of a chain saw without permission from the official; possession of drugs Addiction is classified as category 1 methamphetamine. or illegal amphetamines Ready to inspect and seize seized items such as restricted wood (padoo), chain saws, drugs, etc. Circumstances: Police officers from Subdistrict 4, Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Suppression Divisi on received information from well-wisher people. A person was seen entering the Khun Mae Lai National Reserved Forest. in order to illegally cut, fell, and create restricted trees in the forest By bringing a personal car, like a pickup truck, to carry wood. The team of officials jointly went out to patrol the forest in the area as received the information above. So he walked into the forest until he reached the forest area where the incident occurred. Saw a young man Both hands were observed holding chainsaws processing wood in the area of ??the incident. Therefore, they deployed their forces to surround the area and were able to arrest the said young man. Ready to inspect and confiscate restricted wood that has already been processed and is about to be processed. Upon inspection, more than 81 methamphetamine tablets were found and 5 shotgun shells, size 12, were found. They were taken for questioning and charged. Before the officers took the accused along with the seized items Investigators were sent to Bo L uang Police Station, Chiang Mai Province, to proceed with the case. Initially , the accused confessed. along with stating that the said equipment, tools, appliances, and cars actually belong to him As for the said bullets, he brought them with him because he had a shotgun and the amphetamines were actually his own. which he had bought and sold methamphetamine from another person to use Before coming to do logging in the forest, he had actually taken amphetamines. As for entering the forest in the area where the incident occurred, he was in order to process the Padauk trees that he had cut. and cut it down earlier. Source: Thai News Agency