Thailand Recorder

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Accelerate the Ministry of DES to move forward with building a warning system.

The Prime Minister reveals he is preparing to meet with the Chinese Ambassador. Apologizes after Chinese tourist dies in shooting at Paragon Ready to coordinate with the Ministry of DES Create a warning system for the entire system, not just SMS. Instruct the police commander to be strict about purchasing firearms online.

Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Gave an interview about the shooting incident at Paragon yesterday (Oct. 4), expressing regret over the incident and stating that it was an event that we never expected. I would like to send my condolences to the relatives of the deceased and injured. And I believe that Siam Paragon itself has done all it can to protect and take care of the scene of the incident. From now on, we must move forward. Last night after talking with Siam Paragon executives and the National Police Commissioner at Siam Paragon. of the situation and went to visit the injured at Chulalongkorn Hospital and Police Hospital We talked with the director of Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society. and ordered to provide full care to the injured

“The Thai government expresses regret over the incident. and after the incident occurred with the management of the Siam Paragon Shopping Center Do your best to control the incident. Hopefully this kind of incident will not happen again. Confirm that the Thai government attaches great importance to events that occur and all matters, no matter what nationality they happen to. To make tourists who come here confident and not worried about coming to Thailand. After the incident, he called the Chinese ambassador. Based in Thailand To give confidence that The government will take care of those injured in the incident. And Chinese tourists will do their best within 1-2 days to meet the Chinese ambassador in person to report and apologize again,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister said he had told the hospital director that His Majesty the King and Queen He received the injured into royal patronage. Everyone was delighted. And during that time there was a conversation with the Chinese ambassador. To apologize for the incident and give confidence that the Thai government has done its best. and receive the best care for the injured

As for how to build confidence among tourists, since Thailand has just opened free visas for Chinese tourists, the Prime Minister believes that tourists understand that this is truly a forceful event. The Thai government and the Thai private sector are coordinating fully to take care of and build confidence for tourists. will come in

As for the proposal on the warning system, the Prime Minister said he had already coordinated with the Minister of Digital Economy and Society. This is not just an SMS alarm system, but an entire alarm system. Spread the news to let people know what is happening. This probably isn't the only incident.

The part that has questions about the weapon that caused the incident Which can now be easily purchased, especially through online channels. The Prime Minister said that this is another problem that has been discussed with the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. The issue of purchasing online must be tightened. Prevent youth from having access to these dangerous weapons. Embrace it as a policy that must be tightened to make access to firearms more difficult.

The Prime Minister said that today Siam Paragon has joined with the private sector to organize a space, although it is only 4,000 square meters, but believes that it is an important mechanism for developing the potential of Thai youth in every dimension. To advance on the world stage and strengthen competition And hope that this little gear It will be an example for the private sector. Together, there is a space for youth to express themselves appropriately, correctly and in an integrated way.

Source: Thai News Agency