Thailand Recorder

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Accelerate the search for ways to increase production and reduce the impact of cassava leaf spot disease.

Nonthaburi, The Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade hastened to find ways to prevent the problem of losing the export market for cassava products due to the effects of the cassava leaf spot disease that has caused the production of cassava planting areas to continuously decrease. Meanwhile, the demand for using it to feed industry has increased. Stating that he will move forward with cooperation with all parties to help solve the problem in order to push Thailand to become the champion in exporting mandi in both quantity and value. Mr. Ronarong Poolpipat, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade, revealed that The current trade situation for cassava products in Thailand is that the production is insufficient to meet demand. The Office of Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Economics Office) forecasts cassava production in 2023/24 at a total volume of 27.94 million tons, a decrease of 2.79 million tons from the previous year (-9.08%), while at present Thailand has demand for use i n the cassava chip and starch industry. and ethanol, a total quantity of 42.58 million tons, of which demand is 14.64 million tons higher than domestic production. But the market has increased demand. Cassava export prices should increase. But in the current situation, export prices have not increased according to market mechanisms. Therefore, it is an important indication that the destination buying country may not be able to accept higher cassava prices than this. The Ministry of Culture must be careful about the level of export prices in order to prevent trading partners from turning to buy grains. Others, such as animal feed corn That is cheaper to use as a substitute raw material, especially in alcohol factories. and animal feed factories Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Expressed concern over the current cassava trade situation. Therefore, we request the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to expedite the expansion of good quality cassava cuttings. In order to increase production to meet market demand, in 2024 the Department of Agriculture plans to produce 3,000,000 pieces of cassava resistant and resistant to leaf spot disease for 3,000 farmers in an area of ??1,500 rai, and in 2025-2028, if Receive adequate budget allocation It will be possible to bring resistant varieties of the Cassava Development Institute of Thailand Foundation, including Itthi 1, Itthi 2 and Itthi 3, as well as 3,000,000 resistant varieties (Rayong 72), distributed to farmers. As well as creating a prototype plot for producing clean cuttings and quality cassava production technology. To solve the problem of shortage of good quality cuttings and reduce the outbreak of cassava leaf spot disease to an end from Thailand. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce is concerned about the current cassava trade situation and wants Thailand to be able to compete in the main export market. Especially in terms of price, which must compete with other grain products. The Ministry of Commerce is ready to c ooperate with all parties, including the government, private sector, and foundations involved in integrating and working together. To prevent the problem of losing the cassava export market before problems occur. and push Thailand to be the champion in exporting cassava products continuously. This will help create sustainable income for farmers. Source: Thai News Agency